Example sentences of "[prep] take [pron] eyes from " in BNC.

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1 Pushing it back on to the desk without taking her eyes from it , she said , ‘ I do n't quite see .
2 Without taking his eyes from the young pilot 's , he slid his hand across his desk until his fingers encountered a brown , official-looking envelope .
3 Ruff , Fido , ruff , get on … ’ said Piladu , without taking his eyes from the four men in uniform .
4 He nodded without taking his eyes from the spiked reel rolling below him .
5 ‘ Yes , ’ said Rohmer , without taking his eyes from Cardiff .
6 And to the prior he said , without taking his eyes from the broken creature on the tiles of the floor , like a crushed and crumpled bird : ‘ Take him in charge .
7 He spoke without taking his eyes from the print .
8 Without taking his eyes from her , he reached out and removed a plate of lasagne laced with walnuts and apples from one of the young men and slid his fork into the food .
9 ‘ You fret too much , ’ said Ymor , without taking his eyes from the two men opposite him .
10 Without taking his eyes from hers , Feargal tapped Donal lightly on the shoulder .
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