Example sentences of "[prep] her [noun sg] 's eye " in BNC.

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1 Seen through her mother 's eyes , far-off England had seemed a land of dreams and adventure .
2 ‘ Yes , ’ said Kathleen , and then , hastily , aware of her sister 's eye , ‘ I mean , no .
3 He thought of how she who lay beside him had locked in her heart for so many years that image of her lover 's eyes when he had told her that he did not wish to love .
4 Louise who is co-ordinator at the Eaton Hall Workshop , at Aldford , says her two young sons , Thomas , aged two and a half , and George , three months , are the apple of her father 's eye .
5 Suddenly Lee saw the exhaustion in the folds of skin beneath her mother 's eyes .
6 Kate looked into her daughter 's eyes .
7 After a moment of looking back into her daughter 's eyes , Lizzie said quietly , ‘ She 's five years old and children seem to mature quickly these days . ’
8 ‘ We 'll survive , papa , ’ Emily said with a certainty that brought a light of hope into her father 's eyes .
9 She looked down into her mother 's eyes and read the pain and fear in them .
10 And if she did , she would look into Carrie 's mind with her witch 's eyes and know that she knew that it was Mrs Gotobed weeping upstairs , and that she was remembering what Mr Evans had said .
11 Ruth looked doubtfully out to sea , wondering what he meant ; but then she began to see something , more with her mind 's eye than in reality , though she knew at once it was very real .
12 Erica , although knowing none of this , had grown more scathing , with her outsider 's eye .
13 A series of images passed before her mind 's eye .
14 But there was no mistaking the bitterness of the voice or the gleam in her sister-in-law 's eyes .
15 Then , seeing tears forming in her friend 's eyes , she took her hand .
16 She knew what was to come ; she had seen that look in her friend 's eyes too many times these past few months .
17 Melissa gave a mischievous grimace as she suddenly remembered the disapproving gleam in her friend 's eye on learning where she was spending the evening and , possibly , the night .
18 Claudia said , wincing at the contempt in her twin 's eyes .
19 She lost no opportunity to diminish Miss Hatherby in her daughter 's eyes and was always ready to ridicule her .
20 " Yes , I 'm sure you are , " Katherine said slowly , something about the expression in her son 's eyes or the way her daughter lifted her paper a little higher to hide her face , making her suspicious .
21 All that remained with her was the look in her son 's eyes , a look of absolute loathing and hatred , a look of betrayal .
22 For the first time in her married life she saw pain in her husband 's eyes , as though she had plunged a knife into his body .
23 There was , however , little she could do without appearing heartless in her husband 's eyes .
24 ‘ I 'm — fond of Travis — very fond , ’ she stated , then caught the dangerous glint in her employer 's eye that assured her that her prevarication was n't going down too well .
25 She wanted to fix this countryside , in all its detail , in her mind 's eye and never lose it .
26 It was this nightmare image of panic and despair that she kept in her mind 's eye as Simon talked his way confidently through his own philosophy of life .
27 The old familiar image of that desperately clutching hand , rising up out of the waves and then sinking again for ever , created itself in her mind 's eye .
28 She could see Miss Henrietta yet in her mind 's eye , so young and lovely , laughing up into the face of her adoring Captain Cook .
29 Already she could visualise the lay-out — ‘ The Other Side of Fashion ’ she 'd entitled it in her mind 's eye when she 'd discussed it with Nick .
30 Mother Francis would have loved that old cottage to be Eve 's home ; she could see in her mind 's eye a kind of life where Eve would bring her student friends home from university to stay there for weekends , and they would call at the convent and have tea in the parlour .
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