Example sentences of "[prep] what i [was/were] doing " in BNC.

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1 Without really being conscious of what I was doing , I ended up heading roughly north .
2 I was bitterly ashamed of what I was doing , or letting people do to me , but also of course I got to like it , and even crave it , in a manner of speaking .
3 I did however , have a shaky start with casting on , but I read the instruction book , back to front and upside down until I had a good idea of what I was doing , resulting in two 4-ply cardigans for my eldest two grand-daughters .
4 One of my best-known remarks was when I was Chancellor and Geoffrey Howe was my opponent , and he made a rather damaging criticism of what I was doing and I did n't want to spend time on that .
5 Not from fear — for the sheer nobility of what I was doing .
6 I find now that I can take a little comfort for acting beyond my authority and without Don Bennett 's knowledge of what I was doing .
7 Shocked granny Vera said last night : ‘ I was washing up cups at the time and he told me he did n't agree with what I was doing .
8 There were times when I was frustrated and not satisfied with what I was doing .
9 ‘ I believed in what I was doing , ’ he told the lawyers , smarting at the implication that maybe he did n't ; ‘ Once I talked to Ollie the first or second time , man I believed . ’
10 So often on this project even the oldest locals interested in what I was doing had no memory , actual or handed down , of the people mentioned by JTR .
11 I was working on my own and I was n't aware of anyone doing similar work — or that anyone would be interested in what I was doing . ’
12 I found that if I immersed myself in what I was doing , the people respected my work and usually kept quiet , aware of my concentration .
13 Right erm a lot of good things there erm empathy is I think the second thing I wrote down on , on the strength , brilliant very see that obviously open up erm there was interest in what I was doing , you , you were confident .
14 I would not do something if I was not 100pc comfortable in what I was doing . ’
15 I looked up from what I was doing and people were running everywhere .
16 Ten , almost eleven years , have passed and I have no notion as to what I was doing in all that time . ’
17 er ready to enter the flat , he would n't have been paying attention to what I was doing .
18 What , what , what he said no doubt P C was looking after his troops and he was n't paying as much attention to what I was doing as I was taking .
19 know what I want and then I 'll come back to what I was doing .
20 Oh look , seems different to what I was doing .
21 I thought that Carl could be right about this — better to get out , relax and concentrate on what I was doing and not on anybody else .
22 However , at this new point in my life there seemed — as of course there was — nothing remarkable about what I was doing .
23 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
24 If I had used words , I should have had to think more carefully about what I was doing .
25 Hobbling into Range West on crutches , with a rope round my shoulders , I was looking forward to the expressions of disbelief that would have greeted my reply to sentries ' questions about what I was doing .
26 My teacher , Mr Taylor , did tell us to do our talk on something we knew about , so I asked if I could bring Dawn in and tell the other kids about what I was doing .
27 It seemed that everyone wanted to know about what I was doing .
28 Once , when I told her a lie about what I was doing , in order to evade hostile questioning , she said , severely , ‘ You 're growing too like your father . ’
29 ‘ He should have done that in the first place , and I should have thought about what I was doing instead of just floating along with whatever he put to me .
30 For what I was doing , on furniture , the silver burrs were extremely effective , retaining their edge .
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