Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] on [art] grounds " in BNC.

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1 A third consequence of Gandhi 's insistence on the imperfect nature of particular forms of religions is his plea for the spirit of toleration between religions on the grounds that it increases spiritual insight and gives a better understanding of one 's own faith .
2 This Convention attempts to harmonise data protection legislation among the signatory states to remove the need for restrictions on the free flow of data between states on the grounds that personal data is not protected .
3 Jeyaretnam finally withdrew his case from the Court of Appeals on the grounds that the Attorney General had failed to respond to his proposal that the case be appealed to the Privy Council .
4 On the whole socialist feminists were suspicious of allowances on the grounds that they would undermine male wage-bargaining and preferred to argue , like Ada Nield Chew , for services in kind to support mothers in the ‘ drudgery ’ of child care ; Fabian women preferred direct payment to mothers in order to maintain their economic independence from their husbands and free them from the need to take on paid work which would distract them from their primary task of mothering ( Alexander , 1979 ) .
5 " You 'll need a couple of men on the grounds .
6 Friedan condemns Freud 's account of women on the grounds that he was a ‘ prisoner of his own culture ’ ( 1965 : 93 ) , and criticizes psychoanalytic attempts to explain women 's position in terms of a natural feminine sexuality .
7 Nizan chose not simply to suspend judgement , but to give public support to the Moscow version of events on the grounds that critical accounts of the Soviet state generally lacked both historical perspective and scientific rigour , and more importantly , that the defence of the Soviet Union in the torrid international political climate of the late 1930s was imperative .
8 Stanley 's government proposals on emancipation in mid-May provoked hostility amongst delegates on the grounds of compensation and the apprenticeship scheme .
9 This varies from a reluctance to enrol bilingual students onto courses on the grounds that their English is ‘ not good enough ’ through feelings of helplessness at not being able to ‘ get through ’ to bilingual students to a wish to learn about approaches and materials that will enable these students to complete courses and pass examinations .
10 It is likely to attract criticism from members on the grounds that it exploits the plight of the unemployed by using them as cheap labour at the same time as removing them from the unemployment statistics .
11 Why has Britain dragged its feet on the European directive under the Social Charter to prevent women being dismissed from jobs on the grounds of pregnancy ?
12 This is because our semantic model ( chosen because it expresses the weakest equivalence required for most practical correctness issues ) does not distinguish between processes on the grounds of what communications can be observed after the refusal of specific sets .
13 v. Henn and Darby , where the Court of Appeal held that the term ‘ quantitative restrictions ’ in Article 30 of the EEC Treaty did not cover a total prohibition on imports on the grounds that such a restriction was not related to a quantitative measure , whereas the case law of the European Court had clearly established that the term in question covered both outright bans and quotas on imports .
14 The difficulty encountered by plaintiffs in obtaining injunctions to stop libels has led to a growth in applications for injunctions on the grounds of breach of confidence , ie that the information has been obtained from someone who is under a duty not to reveal it .
15 It campaigned for free universal state pensions for everyone over the age of 65 , in order to combat the poverty created by the rejection of older workers by employers on the grounds of age .
16 A community bureau on a council estate will be favoured by some but rejected by others on the grounds of lack of anonymity .
17 The plans had been challenged by environmentalists on the grounds that gene technology involved unknown safety risks .
18 NAFTA has been strongly criticized by environmentalists on the grounds that it will lead to " dirty " US industries moving into Mexico to take advantage of that country 's more relaxed environmental standards , and that other environmental considerations for all three countries will be sacrificed for the principle of free trade at any cost .
19 More recently he was criticized for failing to exploit possibilities created by the improvement in church-state relations at the time of the Russian Orthodox millennium in 1988 [ see p. 36040 ] , although this was partly excused by commentators on the grounds of his serious ill health .
20 Of these , some have quarrelled with his view that individuals are determined by practices on the grounds that , as Lukes puts it , any theory built on such a foundation fails to deal with the central problem of the relation between structure ( i.e. the constraints on actors ) and agency ( i.e. the freedom of agents ) .
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