Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] around the " in BNC.

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1 They went for long rambles around the hills which overlook Balmoral and as they lay in the heather he read out passages from books by the Swiss psychiatrist , Carl Jung , or Laurens van der Post .
2 I was arrested twice , once for trying to get out of the place , and once for just walking around the course , both times without wearing a badge .
3 As shown in Map 13 overleaf , there is a massive throne-like wooden chair , with comfortable cushions , which is capable of magically moving around the room on command , to give its occupant a view through any archway he desires .
4 According to Rupert Sutcliffe , the most senior member of the Department , and its most pertinacious gossip , there was a time not so long ago when Philip Swallow was for ever swanning around the globe on some conference jaunt or other .
5 Cover the cake with the appropriate pieces of fondant — for the front side with the holes , gently press on before neatly cutting around the holes and removing the pieces of surplus fondant .
6 I went and to just walk around the town .
7 When Willie came running , they at once dispersed around the site .
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