Example sentences of "[prep] [art] terms of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was pleased that the supplementary guidance for the terms of reference for my Working Group mentioned both information technology ( IT ) and media studies : ‘ English teaching will provide one appropriate context … for developing information handling skills , … and for media studies …
2 So much for the terms of Poulantzas ' theory .
3 However , there was considerable pressure for the terms of retirement to be such that older people could maintain economic independence .
4 It 's a little early to be thinking about the terms of surrender . ’
5 The Serbs were not consulted about the terms of Article VIII of the Treaty , which stated :
6 All of this does not , however , mean that if the goods prove defective the private seller can easily be made liable for breach of the terms of sections 13–15 of the Sale of Goods Act .
7 There is a second related problem — that of the terms of reference of the concerned individual for effective action .
8 The Secretary of State was able to influence the drafting of the terms of reference and the composition of the working parties ; yet the working parties necessarily contained a majority of professionals and in due course reported in ways which again the Secretary of State could only partially modify .
9 And if in places it reads tendentiously or relies overmuch on rhetoric , it could hardly do otherwise than echo the tendentiousness and rhetoric of the terms of reference themselves .
10 No formal statement of the terms of reference for the team has come to light , and in the early days clear mechanisms for the operation of the project were not always discernible .
11 It is best to get the terms of reference in writing but , if that is not possible , write out your version of the terms of reference .
12 My idea — I admit that I came up with it only this morning — is that the entire transaction involving the definition of the terms of reference for the study for the consultants should then become public property and not an enclosed relationship with the promoters .
13 It was the tragic irony of Fate that , because of the terms of reference to which de Castelnau had committed him in advance , this uniquely humanitarian general would be called upon to subject the men under his command to what was shortly to become the most inhuman conflict of the whole war .
14 Shadow health secretary David Blunkett welcomed the announcement of the terms of reference of the inquiry .
15 As in unregistered conveyancing it is probably advisable that the husband keeps a duplicate or certified copy of the transfer to the wife so that he has a record of the terms of indemnity given to him by the wife .
16 Any sensible construction of the terms of service involved that paragraph 19 must be read in the light of , and subject to , the obligation imposed by paragraph 16 .
17 Where products are still subject to a national organisation of the market , and the conditions under which the goods are marketed leads to distortion of the terms of competition under which similar goods are marketed in other member states , the Commission may impose compensatory charges upon exports of the product from the member state of origin .
18 One problem here is that now , if pre-emptive provisions other than those prescribed in the Act are to apply , they must be in the memorandum or articles whereas previously they could have been provided in other ways , for example in an agreement between the shareholders or as part of the terms of issue of the shares .
19 This interpretation of the behaviour of the terms of eqn ( 20.7 ) allows the development of a model of turbulence which has relevance not just to homogeneous isotropic turbulence but to most turbulent flows .
20 On the eve of the election , Wilson pledged that , if the Labour Party won , his new government would have ‘ a fundamental re-negotiation ’ of the terms of membership .
21 In countries where there is a large degree of regulation of the terms of employment by the state , the role of collective bargaining may be correspondingly reduced .
22 However , we have in fragment VII another example of amorality — the moral insignificance of the meaningless nonsense-rhyme of Sir Thopas — against which , and against the positive morality of Melibee , from which the Host is able to draw a more pertinent moral , the amorality of the Shipman 's Tale becomes in itself a form of immorality , the failure of a tale to offer more than a licentious celebration of the terms of trade of the brothel and of pornography .
23 The worsening of the terms of trade for the ACCs , largely as a result of the oil price rise , reduced the resources available for profits and wages by around ½ per cent of output per year .
24 As Middlemass ( 1979 , p. 443 ) remarks of the Act , the TUC ‘ could hardly have accepted such a reversal of the terms of politics as they had been understood for a generation . ’
25 With the publication of the terms of Emancipation inflammatory pamphlets began to call for a mass uprising .
26 The Court had heard argument as to whether the order was subject to judicial review in the light of the terms of section 29(3) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
27 It is a specific provision giving protection in a limited field , as opposed to the generality of the terms of section 433 of the Act of 1986 .
28 Accordingly the Crown Prosecution Service and a private prosecutor having notice of the terms of paragraph 33 would be unable to adduce in a criminal court evidence disclosed in compliance with the paragraphs of the order to which exception is taken .
29 And Trevor will provide us all with copies of the terms of engagement .
30 We shall carry out such verification work as we believe appropriate in the context of the terms of engagement agreed as set out above .
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