Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] period [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The next step is to draw , on the same axes , a line representing the target income for the planning period as proposed by top management as part of the corporate plan .
2 It may order that the decision shall not have effect pending appeal or that the care or supervision order shall remain in force for the appeal period but subject to the court 's directions ( s40(3) ) .
3 Where adjoining owners enjoy benefits from the indirect use of land such as ’ right of support ’ or ’ right of light ’ , the developer may be obliged to ensure that such rights are maintained both during the development period and in perpetuity .
4 Work on the New Entrance Lock began in January with the dredging of a channel to divert shipping during the construction period and to remove the old West Pier .
5 Exceptions to this were the case of the Chilean urban poor before and during the Allende period and Peruvian collective action during the 1960s and 1970s .
6 Laboratory assessment was performed every two weeks during the treatment period and every four to six weeks after discontinuation of therapy .
7 Cover may also be arranged to protect against losses during the manufacturing period and is available for certain types of services as well as manufactured goods .
8 Aerobic walking carried out as part of the Walking Diet will burn off more fat during the activity period than carbohydrate .
9 To analyse changes in urinary albumin and sodium excretion and mean arterial pressure we meaned the values ( log transformed for urinary albumin excretion ) recorded during the placebo period and during the last three months of follow up .
10 However , it is imperative that LIFESPAN is not running during the backup period if a consistent set of database files is to exist in the save_set .
11 It was during the Germania period that Nietzsche 's inclination toward ancient Greece seems to have taken its first definite shape , although his distaste for specialization remained .
12 Moving into the factory a Wilton loom has been completely reconditioned during the holiday period and 200 new Axminster spool frames are already in use .
13 The programme at the Primary Schools Centre remained by far the largest part of the Authority 's central INSET commitment during the evaluation period and an important medium for the transmission of advisory views on good practice .
14 Thus there is already some flexibility regarding the Net Book Agreement during the sale period as long as the bookseller has paid the appropriate fee .
15 It would be beneficial to warn people to change their ‘ alien ’ notes to familiar currency during the Christmas period so they know where they are and do not give the opportunity to the fast buck merchants of lining their nests .
16 and er it 's sort of a question of erm how much challenge you want to undertake both during the placement period and immediately afterwards .
17 We will be issuing further editions during the implementation period and beyond .
18 It has been suggested during the consultation period that , because of the vulnerability of that group , the hospital would not be an appropriate candidate for trust status .
19 The muscles had been fully stimulated during the growth period and Ewan had supposed they 'd be fully operational immediately .
20 The University 's approach to financial planning ( as has been explained on previous occasions ) is essentially conservative , in that its systems are aimed at forecasting what funds will be available during the planning period and deciding how best to apply them to the academic priorities already identified .
21 ‘ I first saw his pictures during the punk period and they seemed to have a similar punch , a thriller realism . ’
22 Mrs Bottomley told MPs in the Commons reply : ‘ The report will be published and the chairman of the RHA will report to me on its outcomes and will keep me informed of progress in improving service performance during the inquiry period and beyond . ’
23 John Akers will retain the posts of chairman and chief executive during the search period and the company is not yet saying whether he will remain titular chairman thereafter .
24 2.3.3 Rule 37.3 ( relationship with takeover offers ) and Rule 37.4 A company will not normally be allowed to buy-in or redeem its shares during the offer period if its board has reason to believe that a takeover offer for the company is imminent , except pursuant to a pre-existing contract ( Rule 21 ) .
25 Some patients with chronic liver disease may have been followed up as outpatients and may not have been admitted to hospital during the study period and , thus , these too would not have been identified .
26 None of the 55 patients was given any type of medical treatment during the study period and all were instructed to continue their normal dietary habits .
27 The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare the differences between motility index during the baseline period and postprandial period .
28 Both MV and PT measure the total value of transactions during the time period and so must be identical .
29 Other sources of unease were the unfulfilled aspirations of the minority Shiite community , mostly concentrated in the region south of Baghdad , and the occcasional stirrings of the Communist Party which had gained strength during the Qasem period and become solidly represented in the army until efforts to purge them in the 1970s .
30 Transit times were not different between the control period and the period with SO 4 supplementation .
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