Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [pron] had already " in BNC.

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1 The triple alliance which I originally sought to conclude after the peace of Frankfurt and about which I had already sounded Vienna and St. Petersburg in September 1870 , was an alliance of the three Emperors with the further idea of bringing into it monarchical Italy .
2 The Triple Alliance , which I first tried to arrange after the Franco-Prussian War , and about which I had already approached Austria and Russia in 1870 , was an alliance of three Emperors , with the further idea of including the King of Italy .
3 There was no disputing the hard truth behind his words — someting for which she had already severely upbraided herself .
4 Following a short interview about the further offence , the officer whom he had requested to see told him that he could not ask him any questions about the early offence for which he had already been charged but said that he could make a statement if he wished .
5 On 10 October , having arranged a meeting , he wrote to me about the earlier essay for which he had already arranged generous advanced payment :
6 He had added two new candidates , the Acanthiza ewingi and the Strepera arguta , to the list of native Tasmanian species , making a total of 12 , four of which he had already named from specimens sent to him before he left England , and had now succeeded in seeing all of these alive in their native habitat .
7 Imminent retirement lay ahead after a career of almost sub-average distinction , in anticipation of which he had already bought a small house on the edge of St. Omer .
8 Sharpe had taken a royal fortune off the battlefield , and it was that fortune which Jane had stolen from him , and much of which she had already spent on a London house and on silks and on furniture and on jewels and on Lord John 's debts , and on silverware and gold plate and Chinese wallpaper and on lapdogs and satin and on the cabriolet in which Lord John now rode towards the cavalry and battle .
9 The equally obvious fact that she had clearly felt he 'd married well beneath him — and into a family of which she had already disapproved — was something that Laura had n't known how to deal with .
10 He used to say that nothing could be more ludicrous than going to a football match and then reading somebody else 's account of what you had already seen .
11 He crossed the road , willing himself to suppress the significance of what he had already accepted : there was no turning back .
12 He also wanted to emphasize in the appraisal two issues he had already brought to the attention of staff : assessment of pupils — with which there had already been some changes — and language across the curriculum , which he felt required a more positive policy .
13 His approach was to try out ideas , with which he had already been successful , on other people and to listen to what came back — particularly from governors and senior staff .
14 She drew the pan of milk off the fire and carrying it over to the table , quickly poured it into a pint pot into which she had already spooned a generous measure of treacle .
15 But Simon had belatedly realised the trap into which he had already put a toe — and drew back .
16 Wickham said this tallied with what he had already been told , but it was undisputed that the old Adler currently on Tavett 's desk was usually there .
17 A man whose idea of democracy was everyone agreeing with what he had already decided ?
18 That speech , its reception , and my reaction , too , confronted me with what I had already suspected — that my candidacy was a fantasy . ’
19 He stayed a fortnight , and during that time dined memorably on honey pie , made an even more unfavourable impression at Marshmills , and no doubt spent long hours talking in Poole 's garden arbour , ‘ an Elysium ’ , as he called it , in which he had already recited many of his recent poems .
20 He pointed out a flat , tough door from which he had already removed the hinges and nails .
21 In January 1340 Edward formally assumed the title of king of France ( to which he had already laid claim in 1337 ) , perhaps to make his Flemish allies feel that they were legally entitled to help him oppose their traditional lord , the king of France .
22 She was made of a strong enough fibre to cope with ideas to which she had already become accustomed , like murder and rape ; it was novelty that she found hard to accept .
23 In later life he seems to have returned to his early interest in astronomy ( on which he had already been writing papers at the age of eighteen ) .
24 Molly drove skilfully back down the road , taking the short cut to what she had already grown to think of as home .
25 This practical middle aged surveyor with a wife and new baby left the relative security of surveying , at which he had already achieved some distinction ; turned his back on London and its opportunities , and took his chances as an artist in Ambleside .
26 Since I did n't know Jackie in his racing years , I can only speak of his character as I 've known it since I975 , a period by which he had already become obsessed with driver safety and a real force in improving conditions for drivers .
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