Example sentences of "[prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] around " in BNC.

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1 The tide of her secret lapped around her ; soon she would be too tired all of the time .
2 The bones of her skull rotted around the branch .
3 Unfortunately she 's better at fixing sick engines than sick people and spends most of her time riding around the corridors on her collection of motorbikes . ’
4 He saw himself , as in a mirror , lifting the black cloth from her white flesh , felt , as if it had already happened , the softness of her body closing around him .
5 Since the Trust was founded Hillary has spent much of his life touring around the world raising money , always with the same enthusiasm that once took him to the top of Everest .
6 Born in Canada , but now spending most of his time charging around the world getting into trouble , Watson is a young radical determined to stop animals such as whales and seals being hunted to extinction .
7 Endill spent most of his time running around the house , hunting for things to explore .
8 More of his writing slithers around the passion of his text , the instruments chaffing the solo voice , the singer herself weaving restless melodic lines .
9 Moreover , the very stuff of electoral competition and the media coverage of our politics revolves around the issue of " U turns " and " broken promises " with politicians confessing ( but excusing and explaining ) the gap between promise and performance-programme and policy — with talk about being " blown off course " by circumstances , accidents , and the pressure of unanticipated world events beyond their effective grasp or control .
10 With her skirt billowing around her , Charity rushed out to grab empties off the tables before the wind shattered more of them .
11 At press conferences and public appearances the good-natured Chavez sits on King 's right in what was the Tyson seat and the promoter poses for photographs with his arm flung around the Mexican 's shoulders .
12 Later , as the aircraft swooped down over many of the fields that were so familiar to me in my detecting rambles around the countryside , I soon realised that the weather had taken its toll on the cropmarks .
13 This time instead of relying on her own memories stemming from her childhood centred around the home in Priesthouse Lane where she was born and still lives , Miss Rimmer armed herself with a tape recorder and interviewed the town 's oldest residents ranging in age from 70 to 99 .
14 The wall at his back flowed around him with the softness of feathers .
15 The mist disturbed by their passing closed around the coat which decorated the lantern pole .
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