Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [pron] 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When he wins he turns up the next week as if nothing 's happened — and as if he has n't got a penny to his name , that 's the difference between Seve and others — what sets him apart a bit , I suppose .
2 You just carry on as if nothing 's happened .
3 ‘ You ca n't make love to me like that and then expect me to carry on as if nothing 's happened .
4 ‘ It does n't sound as if she 's got much spare time . ’
5 ‘ Tory looks as if she 's had enough of birds ' nests for one day .
6 The last vestiges of their former jolly sound has been drowned in swathes of layered , fuzzy guitar and Julianne sounds as if she 's had a surgical appliance attached to her vocal chords .
7 It looks as if she 's had these things put there to support her rather than actually casually sitting on them .
8 She sounded as if she 's had a few .
9 The way I looked at was a rubbish tip , that bit it looks as if he 's cleared and the grass is growing .
10 Except that Tony Parsons is n't the sort of prat that 's stumbled into all this from public school as if he 's got a divine right to it .
11 Not that the lad now looks as if he 's got any nerves .
12 And er I told them that er I was n't p p p prepared er because they was there during the day as well , it did n't used to across to catch the school bus , and be half a dozen or so come back next door , and stop there till about twenty past three then go back , come back over as if he 's got out the bus .
13 Looks as if he 's got a bonnet .
14 It 's not , it 's not as if he 's got a
15 well he 's going through it and he said well it looks alright to me and I say well it does n't look as if it 's connected , any way I won , I could see why then it did n't look connected
16 Oh it sounds as if it 's got like a K on it
17 And , as this post here , with , whatever it is , it looks as if it 's got some paddings on the ground , maybe a , a boat sometimes gets moored up to it and that 's just to stop the boat er banging up agai maybe the tide comes in that far , I do n't know .
18 I do n't know , it looks as if it 's got some grit in it for when it gets icy I suppose you have to put he grit down there .
19 That 's right , and , and the first act of the play is a rehearsal and it keeps stopping and the director keeps sort of straightening them out and they 're dealing with little problems , and when you 're actually rehearsing it you find yourself sort of repeating the play because it 's so ac Michael Frayn who wrote it has so accurately observed what happens er when you 're directing a play that er you find yourself re-enacting the play and , and suddenly find a discussion you 've just been having has part sounds as if it 's come out of the script .
20 What are you looking for cos it 's got ta be linked to what you 're applying for if you 're applying
21 It just ca n't be , be the , I mean if you think of all the , I mean like say you 've got a , a , a sort of er cockney expression for if he 's got syphilis might be something like you know Johnny Rotten 's kissed him or something you know , there must be things like that , you know , there must be loads of things like that .
22 Sh they 're like all clubbing together and giving her some money to go in with cos she 's got to have some money to go in with .
23 They go off to see just what she 's on about because she 's told them , he 'll do the same for you , what he 's done for me , he can do for you as well !
24 it 's it 's legally bigger than the Empire but the Empire can get more people in cos he 's got upstairs and
25 he says that he 's called together these fact finding conferences , he 's got the information therefore he er he has a right to say something , he should be listened to cos he 's done the research .
26 And is there a chance we 'll give a little bit extra for the hour to cos he 's organized it , he 's taken
27 Yeah , but he did n't need the modulator so he gave it to because he 's got a monitor , right ?
28 push it straight through it to till it 's done .
29 Wears he wears white Swiss cotton and he 'll change half way through the day , depending on whether he 's got , you know , in fairly important meetings .
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