Example sentences of "[prep] [det] other [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know how much longer we can hope to keep this a clandestine relationship , ’ Luke said sardonically one Friday night when the immediate edge of the savage hunger for each other that built up during their partings had been soothed by a wildly abandoned reunion .
2 They are the ex-Communist bosses and party officials who are managing to fix up jobs for each other while pushing others out of jobs they have held for years and onto the streets .
3 He concludes with this paragraph : If religion throughout the ages , and certainly in many parts of the world today , has been used as a weapon for destructive purposes , are we not called to demonstrate that as people of faith we can both live in passionate commitment to our respective tradition and at the same time in compassionate respect for each other and to affirm that the faith commitment of each one is only truly realized when we live in that mutual respect accordingly ?
4 Suddenly it is all about hard work , grafting for each other and scratching for the odd result that might suddenly spark your confidence .
5 ‘ How can we motivate our neighbourhood to become a harmonious community where people care for each other and collaborate in answering their common needs ? ’
6 The setting of Compact goals , the development of Compact policy and the planning of Compact activities will be most successful where both parties enjoy trust and respect for each other and feel a commitment to the ideal of Partnership .
7 This means that social interaction requires mutual effort by the actors as they attempt to establish the definition of the situation for each other and negotiate appropriate behaviour for themselves and for the other .
8 It 's people feeding off each other that have something to hide .
9 The problem with the stock market crash was that index arbitrage and portfolio insurance had the effect of feeding off each other and driving down share prices .
10 They come together much less frequently , from distinct and different settings , and they know much less about each other than do the members of a hospital team , who gain a natural and unforced understanding of each other 's roles and characteristics , and adapt accordingly .
11 Later , as dusk began to fall , they got sentimental about each other and began to cry .
12 Once she saw , sitting on the pavement before a café , drinking pale green drinks , and embracing , leaning over from their plastic chairs towards each other and embracing , the most beautiful couple ; the man with a face angular and ravaged and tragic , the girl dark and thin , with pale lips in a dark tan face : and she was so moved that she said , aloud to Rosie who was walking with her , " Look , Oh God , look at those lovely people " : and Rosie looked and stared and laughed and said , " Good Lord , what odd ideas you have , I would n't look like that if you gave me a hundred pounds . "
13 Turn in the raw edges of both seam allowances towards each other and match the folded edges .
14 The various parts of its body strained towards each other and collected into a hairy spherical fragment balanced on three pipe-cleaner legs at the head of the table .
15 I am sorry to say this , but there would appear to have been a number of houses in recent times , some of the highest pedigree , which have tended to take a competitive attitude towards each other and have not been above ‘ showing off ’ to guests a butler 's mastery of such trivial accomplishments .
16 Below the needle , the strips bend towards each other and meet .
17 However , he lists some areas where he feels that the aesthetic and the linguistic are making tentative advances towards each other and suggests grounds for hope ( and research ) .
18 Opposite my house on Bronnaya Street there used to live the remarkable actress Alice Koonen , the wife of Taírov , and she and I were very fond of each other and got on very well together .
19 We saw less and less of each other and fought like tigers when we did spend time together .
20 All catch sight of each other and slam down lids .
21 Put the three strips on top of each other and draw a line every 7.5 cm
22 Staff work together and are supportive of each other and have been involved in the decision-making process through the various ‘ teams ’ that make up the management of the school .
23 Both have busy working lives and they realised they were seeing less and less of each other and spending their one day together , Sunday , in a daze .
24 Lay the squares on top of each other and fold in half .
25 Because of an appalling clash of dates , the fixtures are within three days of each other and to make matters worse , Dundalk is scheduled for Thursday .
26 One can visualise these gentlemen each with a candle or dim lantern , perhaps totally unused to situations like that , climbing fearfully up the ladders , hard on each others heels , taking comfort from the nearness of each other and climbing awkwardly with the lights they carried which would cast but a feeble glow about them .
27 If the QDMs remain within 3° to 4° of each other when homing , or within the same amount of a desired track QDM , then do n't change heading .
28 Maybe they flew past each other and started to move away from each other .
29 ‘ The atmosphere 's better if the lads like each other and have a laugh and a joke .
30 Within the European Community , member countries ( other than the UK ) are part of the European Monetary System , which is an arrangement whereby these countries fix their exchange rates against each other but have flexible rates against non-member countries .
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