Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun] behind [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In conclusion the Teacher Placement Service is now an integral part of the Mid Glamorgan Education Business Partnership with the full weight of that organisation behind it .
2 She heard the sound of another car behind her , and saw that she was blocking the narrow road .
3 With this resource behind us there must be scope for creating a successful enterprise .
4 That 's up this corner behind me .
5 Speich , for instance , was a genuine investigator with some coups behind him , and they had the scent of something hot now .
6 She started crying , and within two minutes Aubrey had arrived from round the corner , with some others behind him .
7 A gap of a few inches appeared , with more feet behind it .
8 He pointed out that a number of companies , with more money behind them than his own , had recently expressed interest in expanding — notably Volume One , Zachary Kwintner 's Discount Book Company , Hammicks and Ottakars — and that the Book Bargains Ltd shops were all in ‘ super locations ’ .
9 And without some capital behind me … . ’
10 Well it 's no wonder , we used to all troop behind her in ones and twos , you know like
11 It 's different for Harry , he grew up without any money behind him .
12 Look at that decoration behind you Jean .
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