Example sentences of "[prep] [be] said about [art] " in BNC.

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1 They will be a very few words because the prospectus has an increasingly difficult job of compressing into its allocated space all that has to be said about a University that gets bigger every year and that those of us who work in it are biased enough to think gets better every year .
2 It is also possible to feel , and to be told in London , that there was more to be said about the mad love than he allowed himself , or was in a position , to come up with .
3 ( There is a lot to be said about the role of other persons too , but I am leaving that out for the time being . )
4 After that scene there is little else that needs to be said about the strictures on Victorian women .
5 It is these two rituals which will be the main focus of this essay , but before turning to their specific analysis a few more words need to be said about the general blood context and the male-female hierarchy at work within it .
6 Perhaps something also needs to be said about the conditions of publication .
7 But there is something more to be said about the focusing of attention on the present and oneself .
8 Either it might see what could be done within the area which Kant had left to it ; or it might ask whether there might not after all be rather more to be said about the way in which genuine knowledge of God is made possible .
9 None the less , there was a substantial majority in favour of accepting it as a basis for discussion , largely because there was much to be said about the interrelationship of pope , bishops and curia , and the draft provided this opportunity .
10 There is nothing much more to be said about the siege of Krishnapur .
11 There is only one other thing to be said about the hedgerows of parliamentary enclosure , and that is when precisely they were made .
12 A little more needs to be said about the adjectives ‘ bold ’ and ‘ novel ’ as applied to hypotheses and predictions respectively .
13 For this reason alone , something has to be said about the predominance of the female nude in European art from the mid-19th century .
14 If it were possible to compile a complete list of the basic propositions needed to say everything that essentially needs to be said about the world , existential propositions would not be among them .
15 Thus the tendency is to concentrate an analysis of the concept of existence or that of truth around the use of predicates such as " exists ( exist ) " and " true " , and their cognates ; the idea being that if it can be shown that such predicates can be paraphrased out of the relevant contexts by employing a different type of idiom , then there is little that remains to be said about the concepts .
16 However , to assert that there is a very great deal remaining to be said about the mutual effects of semantics and syntax may seem a bold claim , perhaps even a surprising one , given the number of those who have worked on both areas and the many publications with titles suggesting that the two have been linked inside their covers .
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