Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] to [det] extent " in BNC.

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1 So perhaps in some ways er we would deduce from this that the the motive of the revolutionaries in sixty eight was in perhaps to some extent to complete what had been started in seventeen eighty nine but not finished and somebody would , Clinton presumably he would say I 'm gon na complete the programme that John F Kennedy started , but was unable to finish because the tragic way in which his career was ended .
2 Without plunging into the moral and intellectual ‘ deep end ’ of the arguments about retribution , I suspect there is a relationship of cause and effect between the state of opinion and the incidence of crime , and further , that the state of opinion and the penalties of the law are interrelated — at least to this extent , that , other things being the same , milder penalties generally imply less reprobation .
3 By making more use of data from the sky , particle physics could well be freed , at least to some extent , from the dark caverns of ever-bigger atom smashers .
4 The pattern is not arbitrary , but the words we use to describe it are , at least to some extent .
5 This faith could be said to rely , at least to some extent , on that part of the teachings of the Old Testament which claims that a ‘ god ’ had promised sovereignty over the Promised Land , or what is now Palestine , to the descendants of Abraham .
6 Later on , in a pub , Mr Smith chats to a friend : ‘ Of course we 've got to get stuck in , at least to some extent , because the alternatives make the mind boggle . ’
7 The fact that such grammatically incorrect combinations are frequently systematic ( Berko 1958 ; Ivimey 1975 ) suggests that children are organising their utterances on the basis of a knowledge of rules , rather than simply in response to environmental contingencies , and that such rules are , at least to some extent , generated spontaneously .
8 Before this visit , Anselm shows no signs of being influenced by the Gregorian concept of the libertas ecclesiae ; after his visit , he both used the phrase and supported the policy which the phrase summed up — at least to some extent .
9 For the purposes of my present argument , however , of even greater importance than the influence exercised by Les Annales is the fact that their approach is clearly governed by the idea — definitive of concessive holism — that individualist and holist explanations are best seen as answering to different interests , and therefore as contributing , at least to some extent , to independent projects .
10 But the relevant changes are further defined by being unintended and at least to some extent beyond the control of the societies they affected , either because of their intrinsic character , or because of the scale on which they occurred .
11 Our experiment suggests that , at least to some extent , carbon grain-boundary films will reconnect under high pressures .
12 Charcoal will adsorb most poisons , at least to some extent — though laboratory studies suggest that lithium , iron , cyanide , and strong acids and alkalis are the exceptions .
13 Moreover , while fundamentalism can , at least to some extent , appeal to what remains of genuine custom and tradition or past practice as embodied in religious practice , nationalism in itself is either hostile to the real ways of the past , or arises on its ruins .
14 Their expectation that this relationship would be based , at least to some extent , on mutual advantage is indicated in an assertion , made on 21 July 1960 , that :
15 You may well have to accommodate them , at least to some extent , if you are to progress further .
16 The distinction has to be considered at least to some extent because only by identifying what has been done in the past can one see how deficiencies remain to be corrected in the future research agenda .
17 It is a dull landscape here , because of the training walls that keep sea and coast — at least to some extent — apart , but navigation was not difficult .
18 The more sceptical and critical attitude towards nationalism which appeared to develop in the postwar period , and the fresh attempts to create ( even within a limited area ) supranational organizations , or at the other end of the spectrum to revive local and regional communities , provided an opportunity to redirect the sense of belonging , at least to some extent , upon political units other than the nation state .
19 Most schools seemed to be satisfied that they were meeting the needs of pupils , at least to some extent ( see figure 2 ) .
20 The G M B's got a long record of joining forces with others which has proved to be successful , but if we 're gon na be honest , it 's always been recognized that we would be the predominant union and yes Apex members we should have been honest with you at the time of merger , because it 's quite clear you was gon na lose your identity to at least to some extent and we should have been honest about that .
21 One element in Crosland 's policy was clearly the belief that at least to some extent the future of the vocational or professional ‘ infrastructure ’ lay with a sector with an explicit commitment to promoting it .
22 For them a progress of this kind might be acceptable , at least to some extent , in the army .
23 The Tory decision to end the war proved very popular , and it was clearly a decision that was , at least to some extent , predicated upon their appreciation of the general war weariness in the nation in the later years of Anne 's reign .
24 For lack of funds , equipment , and means of control , central government and famine-free areas had to stand by passively to some extent as disease-ridden migrants besieged them .
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