Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [subord] [pron] 'd " in BNC.

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1 Sitting in the train , with a Sunday paper which I 'd automatically bought lying unopened on my knee , I felt a sense of relief at being away from him , at being surrounded by a lot of impersonal uncaring strangers who could see nothing different about me because they 'd never seen me before last night .
2 But I think a lot of them were genuinely concerned , as in my case I think this person was genuinely worried about me because I 'd had , it was my third child and I I do think she was er worried about me because er you know you do n't want to keep having babies and losing them but I was n't worried about , I was worried about myself , to say I was n't worried that 's stupid , but er we just hoped and hoped and kept hoping .
3 But of course it went , you see with the traffic and things like that I 'd perhaps it would n't have been s quite so handy for me because I 'd no parking room there because there was a big back to there .
4 Senga blinked back tears , " he told me he loved me and that he 'd come back for me when he 'd made his fortune and could afford to take me away . "
5 A little while ago it come too much for me cos I 'd got a lot to pay .
6 He kept wondering how I 'd look after myself when he 'd gone . ’
7 It all seemed too large , too over-provided-for to feed them and the stunted attendants , even if there were a few more of them than they 'd seen until now ( and they were always complaining about being short-staffed , anyway ) .
8 When I went to bed , I had a few ‘ sort of ’ pains , but I did n't think anything of them as I 'd had these kind of niggly pains a lot over the last week or so .
9 No children , odd sex and , as a high churchman , he 'd really have had a better image of himself if he 'd managed to keep to celibacy .
10 I wheedled a look out of her after we 'd shared a bottle of wine last night . ’
11 Indeed he 'd taken as much pleasure in the simple sight of her as he 'd taken in the act of love .
12 He asked the question just as Karen had asked it of him when he 'd opened the door .
13 LUKE PERRY flashes a smile that sends teenage girls wild … and explains why his most famous fan , Madonna , will NOT be seeing as much of him as she 'd hoped .
14 Theoretically the luminous trail should lead rescuers to the clearing even at night … but any sensible murderer would have obliterated the road end of it after he 'd found his own way out .
15 For a second I relaxed but another thought struck : Had I refixed the boards behind me when I 'd fled the turret during the storm ?
16 He 'd spent most of the evening wrestling with the one fragment that he 'd managed to retain , picked out of the air behind him as he 'd been standing at the cooker watching his soup boil .
17 Instead of staying with me as he 'd planned , he rents this ancient pile , miles from anywhere , just so he can keep an eye on this stupid female who seems to have got herself into all sorts of trouble over a piece of land — ’
18 Yeah you should have told me I would have bought them out with me if you 'd said .
19 Anyway , getting back to my sister , she seemed to expect me to side with her when she 'd been just the opposite with me when I 'd wanted to paint , and I 'm afraid harsh words were spoken all round .
20 ‘ Mellor was besotted with me because he 'd never had sex like it ’
21 She had gone right to the bank with them when she 'd discovered he 'd gone .
22 No but yeah but the thing is Carla , be honest with you if you 'd got honours again I mean , you imagine I mean thing is I 'm happy for you for what you 've done .
23 I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time .
24 ‘ She would have taken the cat with her if she 'd done that . ’
25 Anyway , getting back to my sister , she seemed to expect me to side with her when she 'd been just the opposite with me when I 'd wanted to paint , and I 'm afraid harsh words were spoken all round .
26 I 'd once had to miss a rendezvous with him after he 'd done his own stripping vicar act for some giggling secretary 's twenty-first birthday and he 'd shot out of the pub stark bollock naked to find me somewhere else .
27 She hoped so , hoped he was being as scathing with him as he 'd been with herself .
28 Why had n't she stood her ground ; simply called Luke 's bluff — even pleaded with him if she 'd thought it would do any good ?
29 I might have had a word with him if I 'd caught him .
30 I could have gone to my own office in Whitehall , but I was due to see Sir Edmund Pusey in the evening , and I did n't want to risk running into him before I 'd managed to clear my own mind a bit .
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