Example sentences of "[prep] [art] study of the " in BNC.

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1 it therefore determines to provide increasing opportunities for the study of the social sciences and the arts in courses of such type and standard as will demand of students the effort essential to understanding ;
2 In addition to his clinical work , research , and advisory duties , Harrison was a founder member of the Medical Society for the Study of the Venereal Diseases and was joint editor of the British Journal of Venereal Diseases between 1925 and 1942 .
3 The funds will also pay for more research into the Earth and marine sciences , and for the study of the upper atmosphere ( New Scientist , 18 November 1982 , p 406 ) .
4 The rapid , undisturbed development of early Anglo-Saxon society provides an ideal area for the study of the processes of social and economic development .
5 However , two further characteristics made this group a particularly interesting one for the study of the labour market experiences of older male workers in a period of high unemployment and rapid economic and social change .
6 Most of his few surviving altarpieces and other religious paintings are preserved in the Hamburger Kunsthalle , which is also the centre for the study of the master .
7 Instead of using the Lasswellian framework for the study of the media 's effect on , say , individual voting preferences — namely , what is ‘ the effect of the media on the election ’ — Seymour-Ure suggests that one should rephrase the question as follows : ‘ What is the function of media in the electoral process ? ’
8 Among the organisations that make up the network are : Institute for the Study of the Bible ( Pietermaritzburg ) ; Theological Exchange Programme ( Athlone ) ; Crisis Care ( Chatsworth ) ; South African Council of Churches Library ( Johannesburg ) ; Association of Committed Theologians ( Braamfontein ) ; Catholic Youth ( Pretoria ) ; Diakonia ( Durban ) ; Christian Research , Education and Information for Democracy ( Johannesburg ) ; Ecumenical Centre Trust Resource Centre ( Durban ) ; and one organisation from Maseru , Lesotho , has joined the network : Transformation Resource Centre .
9 Mrs Henderson plans to establish later this year the Gregory and Maria Henderson Endowment for the Study of the Visual Arts of Korea and its Neighbors .
10 A new room for the study of the 7,000-or-so drawings and 27,000 prints which make up the Courtauld collection will make these works widely available for the first time .
11 While death certificates are a convenient source of epidemiological data , their validity for the study of the dementing diseases is questionable .
12 This is a valuable technique for the study of the fate of epiblast cells invaginating through the primitive streak or for the migration of neural crest cells ( 24 ) .
13 There are also implications for the study of the processes of social thinking .
14 This provides a link with the more general tradition developed from Freud , which emphasizes the unconscious as an alternative site for the study of the contradictory nature of the individual ( and social ) body , especially in its relations with the external world seen as a ‘ reality principle ’ .
15 Industrialization provides the backdrop for the study of the subsequent transformation into modern economic classes : the rise of colonialism is explained in terms of a search for markets , and wars in terms of economic competition .
16 From certain unusual perspectives , history may therefore complement the standard picture of the industrial revolution to provide a basis for the study of the mass consumption which dominates contemporary life .
17 It makes a perfect centre for the study of the Sienese school .
18 Although all four projects received high scores for their scientific content , PRISMA appears to have suffered from the high costs of its proposed European launch , and MARSNET from uncertainty over US plans for the study of the planet , while STEP was seen by some participants as requiring further technical refinements .
19 The association of local spaces can be further developed to provide a basis for the study of the motions of moving parts within a system .
20 The advantages that this property conferred on Aplysia for those studying neurons is as great as that of the squid giant axon for the study of the action potential , and was early recognized by Arvanitaki , Tauc and their collaborators .
21 He became a vice-president of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of engineering and technology ; he became a member of the Science Museum advisory council , and took an active part in the discussions which resulted in the establishment of the Railway Museum in York ; the National Trust made him a member of its properties committee , to advise on industrial archaeology ; and he was appointed chairman of the Council for British Archaeology research committee on industrial archaeology .
22 Largely through his patient , persistent advocacy , the government of ( Sir ) Winston Churchill appointed in 1944 the Scarbrough commission , which , on the basis of evidence he submitted and marshalled , recommended a great expansion of the provision in British universities for the study of the languages , history , and cultures of Asia and Africa , and development of the school as the main centre .
23 On the other hand , in the WHO collaborative studies the investigation provided for the study of the effect of spacing on both still births and abortions .
24 Other recently established research centres are the Centre for the Study of the Languages of Scotland and the Centre for Japanese Studies .
25 The University of Edinburgh is one of the main centres in Britain for the study of the languages and cultures of Asia .
26 The Oriental departments offer several courses that do not require knowledge of exotic languages but do provide an opportunity for the study of the eastern civilisations , ancient and modern .
27 The Environmental Geoscience degree aims to train professional geoscientists eligible for the traditional geoscience professions , but concentrates on those aspects which are particularly important for the study of the environment .
28 The gall bladder epithelium has been considered for many years to be an excellent model for the study of the physiological properties of epithelial cells and in particular ion transport .
29 This method should be useful for the study of the biological properties of gall bladder mucosal cells both in experimental animals and in humans .
30 As primary source material too , for the study of the twentieth century , the moving image is a valid and important form of evidence .
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