Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] mind 's [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But when I close my eyes , strain my stomach and clench my fist I can still feel the g build as the world smoothly revolves and I see that bright red tip tank carve its silent arc across the azure of my mind 's sky and remember .
2 ‘ If I close my eyes , I can still feel the g build as the world smoothly revolves and that bright red tip-tank carves its silent arc across the azure of my mind 's eye ’ .
3 The events of the past week raced past his mind 's eye in a matter of seconds , the mental images flickering before him in rapid succession like a movie trailer .
4 I looked at it with my mind 's eye and I thought , ‘ ’ What can this be ? ’
5 Her steps had slowed , as if in sympathy with her mind 's reluctance to confront the looming moment .
6 Ruth looked doubtfully out to sea , wondering what he meant ; but then she began to see something , more with her mind 's eye than in reality , though she knew at once it was very real .
7 She conjured wonderful colourful pictures for a boy to see with his mind 's eye , her voice pure and confident , her memory pouring out hundreds of lines of poetry in a faultless , almost hypnotic flow .
8 The lights are playing tricks with your mind 's eye .
9 Tearing the spirits from my mind 's edge and from under … .
10 I see her in my mind 's eye always in a Fair Isle jersey .
11 It was her face chiefly that I saw brightening and fading away in my mind 's eye .
12 Occasionally she made rolled-up pancakes , and stuffed omelettes , and steak pies with lovely gravy:I have in my mind 's eye a picture of her , sitting in a corner with some child on her lap , and the usual dreamy expression on her face .
13 Merely by shutting his door if it was open , North would add to the intrigue of meetings : ‘ and when the meeting was over , I still could n't understand why the door was shut and what the intrigue was ’ said a visiting official , puzzled ; ‘ it was in my mind 's eye a social call . ’
14 In my case , and I am sure I am not alone in this , I can picture in my mind 's eye every summit I have reached in a long life without confusion of identity .
15 It seemed a very personal and special wave — the kind that I had seen in my mind 's eye in a night of tangled dreaming .
16 In my mind 's eye , your body is liberally smeared with a mixture of walnut oil and Nutella spread .
17 In my mind 's eye I see him as he was , complete with bowler-hat and aquiline nose .
18 I can see them in my mind 's eye even now .
19 In my mind 's eye , I see grey-faced men and women going to work on Friday morning .
20 I 've never had any difficulty sleeping and I try to stay awake long enough to see the cancer in my mind 's eye .
21 Squealing mice seemed bedded in my ears , and green hoppity things abounded , but right smack in my mind 's eye were two teams of digitised Ice Hockey players fighting it out in front of a packed stadium .
22 I can see them in my mind 's eye rising and dancing slowly around the room , their bodies undulating in a controlled exuberance as if lifted out of the world of motor cars , rockets and computerised mentalities into some universal heartbeat , some rhythm of the day , of the night , of the sea , of life .
23 Although I can see the whole thing unrolling in my mind 's eye like a silent film , I ca n't really be precise about where everyone was and that sort of thing . ’
24 An inner excitement gripped me as I saw in my mind 's eye an image of Clare trying to hobble round her bedroom .
25 This image stays in my mind 's eye as the unequivocal focus of attention .
26 My priorities in my mind 's eye is better .
27 I 'm quite sure I saw it , I 've got a sort of picture in my mind 's eye .
28 I remember nothing there except a girl in the top class , who was fair-haired and had a bright complexion , and I see her now in my mind 's eye outstretched , lying upon her back on the floor .
29 I can see in my mind 's eye how the avenue of chestnuts was alight with red and white candles .
30 In my mind 's eye , I imagined her nestling warm and soft in the palms of my hands , trustingly accepting morsels of moistened wafer from between my lips , maybe cooing a little — not to say thank you , I 'm not daft enough to think that — because she would be so happy .
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