Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] a [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Even the most saintly of people would drift towards complacency and arrogance after such a long period .
2 No one could believe this had happened to us at Lyneham especially after such a long period of accident-free flying
3 At the time , many questioned whether it is really possible to make a marriage work after such a short period .
4 I do n't believe she will ever go through such a dramatic period of life again . ’
5 The absence of a member of staff for such a long period of time has , expectedly , resulted in some ‘ slippage ’ in the area of curriculum development .
6 That relics of them should have survived for such a vast period of time seemed even more difficult to believe .
7 It 's the first time so many have gathered for such a prolonged period .
8 The learner is allocated to the ward for such a short period that every learning opportunity must be exploited to the full .
9 The history of such a loose collection , even for such a short period as 1945 — 90 , could obviously be a large enterprise .
10 Er , you have a sexualization of such a long period , Wilson , er , did n't seem to have , sort of , being recorded to his sexual fantasies of that nature .
11 The repercussions of such a turbulent period are not all disadvantageous , however .
12 Coming upon me as it did , however , in the midst of such a busy period , I could not afford to let it preoccupy me unduly , and I thus decided I should resolve it at the earliest opportunity .
13 The then Prime Minister also emphasized the political awakening to the environment in statements such as : ‘ it is possible that with all these enormous changes ( population , agricultural , use of fossil fuels ) concentrated into such a short period of time , we have unwittingly begun a massive experiment with the system of this planet itself ’ ( Thatcher 1988 ) .
14 Why were so many workers absorbed by public services in such a short period ?
15 Please convey my appreciation to Media Action on how they handled the campaign in such a short period of time .
16 A staggering challenge in such a short period .
17 It makes the Chancellor the Saddam Hussein of economics for accomplishing it in such a brief period .
18 Inevitably , over such a long period , I became less institutionalized , more able to function as an individual in relation to belief and action and not merely accept the organization 's definition of things ; and this is a profoundly un-police like state of affairs !
19 But the broad package of interventions and centralization over such a long period of time surely outstrips that carried out by any previous government .
20 Added to his faithful representation was his own flavour of the area which no one else has been able to maintain over such a long period .
21 If it seems odd to devote a chapter to one book , however important and significant , it must be appreciated that numerically it is by far the most commonly found book and one which has been published over such a long period that the collector will see it more frequently than any other .
22 As the ITVA 's rules on comparative whiteness claims in detergent ads have tightened , the ( by now ) several Persil products have not always been able to use this theme , but its development over such a long period was an astonishing piece of consistency by client management and virtuosity by the agency .
23 Perhaps the main question is whether the market in its present state can absorb such a wealth of material over such a short period .
24 Few companies receive ISO9002 at the first attempt , particularly over such a short period , and it reflects further major business progress .
25 The drug has been around for the last 20 years , but this is the first time the research has been carried out over such a lengthy period .
26 Others in the government were opposed to such a long period of withdrawal , favouring instead two to six years .
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