Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [conj] [pers pn] felt " in BNC.

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1 He leaned forward once again , subjecting her to the unnerving illusion of being pinned by his shadow , trapped and oppressed by it , as if it carried physical weight , composed of all that he felt for her , lust and contempt .
2 It 's very very funny because I actually laughed about it when I listened to it on tape first of all and I felt well maybe
3 It was not until the middle of 1916 that he felt sufficiently confident to offer an olive branch to the employers .
4 I arranged her suicide at the age of twenty-six and I felt that if this was n't ‘ the ’ truth I had certainly approached ‘ a ’ truth .
5 It was at times like this that I felt very small in the landscape .
6 The winter wind skeetered viciously along the dirty pavement and the grey air was so thick with cold that it felt like frosted glass against the raw flesh of my face .
7 Christopher Wood 's last New York exhibition on this theme was held at the Shepherd in 1985 and he felt the present time to be right for another one , particularly given the slackness of the London market at present .
8 Unfortunately , Maginn 's father died in 1887 and he felt obliged to return home without finishing his course .
9 There were two such concepts in particular that I felt I had to include .
10 ‘ Children have been used up to this because we felt it showed a non-violent style . ’
11 The elements of the curriculum considered essential by LEAs were varied and some were reluctant to make any statement on this because they felt it the job of schools .
12 This had happened to Shirley : " I went along to one and I felt so different .
13 Whereas on other diets I had felt hungry and unwell , on the WNAS diet I did n't feel hungry at all and I felt very well .
14 This oath of secrecy I found so oppressive at first that I felt like the barber in the Greek myth who had to dig a hole in the ground and whisper , ‘ Midas has asses ' ears ! ’
15 The families of the victims were reluctant to co-operate with the police at first because they felt the staff at the hospital where Allitt was a student nurse — the Grantham and Kesteven — had done a wonderful job .
16 Baxter was so upset by this that he felt like leaving the school altogether .
17 In private , he could be nervous and irritable , and his later years were plagued by self-doubt as he felt that his creative powers were waning .
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