Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] his friend " in BNC.

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1 Danny felt a wave of admiration for his friend and affectionately put an arm around his shoulders .
2 Back in Argentina , Don Masson had been called in front of a hurriedly convened SFA meeting , where he changed his story , admitting that he had only said he had taken the drugs as an act of loyalty to his friend and roommate .
3 For the first time , Hank did not feel a pang of envy at his friend 's being already at work ; he felt he was doing better than any young policeman could hope to do .
4 Hardy 's most eloquent defence of Jude the Obscure is to be found in a series of letters to his friend Edmund Gosse , who had reviewed the novel in St. James 's Gazette on 8 May 1895 .
5 And I have resolved in my heart to hear your complaints two days in the week , on the Monday and the Thursday ; but if causes should arise which require haste , come to me when ye will and I will give judgment , for I do not retire with women to sing and to drink , as your Lords have done , so that ye could obtain no justice , but will myself see to these things , and watch over ye as friend over his friend , and kinsman over his kinsman .
6 Lorca 's attempts at surrealism issued in response to his friend Salvador Dali 's savage criticisms of his lack of modernity in his Gypsy Ballads ( ’ Bound hand and feet to the old poetry , ’ as Dali commented ) .
7 On arrival at Worcester , Massachusetts , for the match , the earth was still moving for the British side and they lost nine-and-a-half to two-and-a-half , with Boomer winning his foursomes in partnership with his friend Archie Compston , but losing his single .
8 As his cricketing career nears its close , he continues to show his versatility with marathon charity walks and now two man chat shows in partnership with his friend Viv Richards .
9 However , in deference to his friend 's Moslem susceptibilities he had stayed with coffee , and certainly Turkish coffee taken mazbout , sweetened , was perfectly to his taste .
10 His appearance is recorded in three surviving portraits in Aberdeen by his friend James Giles , the artist , one of which , with the ‘ triple kirks ’ in the background , was posthumously engraved as a memorial for distribution to subscribers .
11 D'Alembord stared in awe at his friend .
12 Of the extant copies , there is one complete set in a contemporary hand , British Library MS Royal 7 E VIII , 7 C XIII , 7 C XIV ; this belonged to the library of Rochester Cathedral priory and may have been a presentation copy from Peter to his friend Gilbert Glanville [ q.v. ] , bishop of Rochester .
13 Of course I knew he saw Otto , but not what those visits implied , and Helmut — whether from loyalty to his friend or on account of some sort of inhibition in relation to me — never hinted at anything improper .
14 Mahathir had been forced to make changes after accepting the resignation from politics of his friend and close colleague , Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin .
15 I was very distressed to hear that Joseph had been forced to flee to Guinea after his friend and later his mother were killed by the rebels .
16 He left Scotland and moved to Suffolk with his friend Iain who lives with his parents in a farmhouse in Stoke-Ash .
17 He may also have been influenced by the favour shown by Parliament to his friend , Philip Herbert , fourth Earl of Pembroke [ q.v. ] , when it voted that he should be indemnified for his losses in the war .
18 Bukharin began his critique by quoting from a letter written by Marx to his friend Kugelmann on 11 July 1868 , and since it is a keystone in Bukharin 's case it is well worth reproducing the same extract here .
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