Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [art] background " in BNC.

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1 The amulets , including flat plates designed for attachment to a background material as well as three-dimensional figurines , featured a wide range of animals identified in mythology with attributes favourable to human well-being .
2 As part of the background it has to be understood that large numbers of Koreans lived outside their own country and emigration was encouraged by the Japanese , at any rate to Manchuria .
3 When he arrived he put his cold , white hand in hers for a moment and said , ‘ Hello , Tessa , ’ as if he had always been aware of her as part of the background furnishings .
4 There are potential areas of search in in growth which the local authority has identified as part of the background work to local planning preparation .
5 We ate in the London Zoo and our meals were made interesting by the chatter of monkeys and the roar of lions in the background .
6 She could hear a lot of noise in the background before a voice spoke .
7 The intermittency route to chaos was also inferred , with pure xenon in the laser tube , from a sequence in which a single frequency ( with its harmonics ) progressively broadened on increasing the discharge current , just as one would expect for increasingly frequent bursts of noise against a background of steady oscillation .
8 For smaller animals like the mountain hare , the benefits of camouflage against a background of snow no doubt outweigh the disadvantages .
9 He reviews the problems of internal dating , of intraregional correlation , of regional delimitation and of causation against the background of detailed results from a variety of areas proceeding towards a challenging opportunity to examine the spatial and temporal dimensions of human interference in complex ecosystems .
10 Though the Young Vic 's small theatre-in-the-round is hardly the best place for a tense domestic drama , this tightly-controlled production keeps the dread steadily rising and nicely paces the outbursts of emotion against the background of rumbling resentment .
11 However more recently the evolutionist Leon Croizat has intensively evaluated the evolutionary role of orthogenesis against a background of space , time , form by pan-biogeographic method .
12 His father had risen to a leading position in the town of Ottery from a background of extreme poverty , and Coleridge 's surviving brothers were all gifted men whose descendants were to include not only scholars and bishops , but the Lord Chief Justice of England .
13 It 's not even got anything to do with his hedge-trimmer pageboy cut or his Oxfam dress sense , which would n't look out of place in the background of an Inspiral Carpets video .
14 I have n't actually got a , a poem for this , I was saying to you that I would use this , I intend using this as a writing exercise , because the , the colour of her mouth and the colour of the piece of boot in the background , just stands out to me , it says , its about to me hidden desire of some sort , either the artist 's or hers or mine I do n't know
15 All subsequent sections of colour for the background must be designed in multiples of two , but the last section , where the upper portion of the pattern will join the first section , must also be an odd number .
16 The opposite case , where the departure from the norm is in the direction of sentence complexity rather than simplicity , is illustrated in Hemingway 's The Old Man and the Sea : the culmination of the Old Man 's battle with the fish is related in ( for Hemingway ) unusually complex sentences , conveying a climactic frenzy of movement against the background of Hemingway 's more usual simplicity of style .
17 With the noise of jollity in the background , Dustin talked endlessly about everything except the film , while Mortimer watched the clock ticking away .
18 He could hear the sound of music in the background .
19 She could hear the sound of music in the background .
20 English-speaking countries , however , have been relatively unaware of this activity because of language barriers , or if aware of any aspect of it have turned a blind eye due to a lack of understanding of the background of the method or a disinterest in the findings of Quantum Physics .
22 The two things that come out clearly are the sense of reality in the background and the mythical value .
23 I enjoyed reading this book and can recommend it as a source of information about the background theory and application of ultrasound to chemistry .
24 The Minoan cemetery in the foreground : the town of Arkhanes in the background
25 And just a hint of sea in the background .
26 It is well suited to the interests of students with a background in Political Science or related disciplines , and to those who wish , in particular , to gain greater familiarity with European Politics in an international perspective .
27 If you can forget about the row of portaloos in the background it could almost be the real thing .
28 She could hear the rumble of conversation in the background .
29 I suppose this is erm , a caricature , a self portrait this little , I , in fact I was , really actually hilarious as I felt that , I , I , do n't actually know an awful lot about Gaugin , but if , if I knew nothing about him at all , I would of thought he was having a bit of joke of himself with this , but er , being the person that he was I ca n't image that he had that quality , that , I do n't believe he would be laughing at himself , erm , erm , the symbolism erm and conflict of this painting its dazzles me more than , than the colour or at least as much as the colours in it , but there 's a , there 's a half eaten , well it is n't half eaten , but there 's half an apple at the top and , and that was the , the way into me finally , for , for writing about this , this again is a shopping list , I call it a shopping list , this is just visual images that , that will be opened out at some point and turn it into something , and my images were erm Shoulders of the matador smoking snakes , dare to bit an apple , see one half gone and still I wear a halo intact , that I 'm sure I 've completely wrong about him as a , a person , but as the painting that 's obviously something else , erm , I found that one of the things that were he 's , I , I think probably that everybody who writes is that you 'll come to a point when you ca n't write , you stop writing , you have n't got anything you want to write about , or your frightened of writing , and I devise exercises so that , that does n't happened to me , I think writing is like any skill you have to keep doing it to be able to do it , its , you , some of it is a game and the rest of it is hard work , and one of the exercises I , I delighted using erm a portrait of a woman erm , its about erm the er still life , its the back one , yes this one here , I have , I , I hope to use this as a writing exercise I found the , the maths in this and the colour of the piece of fruit in the background , very interesting because most of the colours to me seem a , a lot less vibrant then many of his other paintings , and so they , they attracted me and have a , a strong sense of erm , er a hidden desire in that and so it , to use it as a writing exercise which I intend doing , it will be able about a situation of character 's with erm something that 's hidden , some desire , I do n't , the , not even spoke about to themselves or , or generally , erm I like to sort of say that came from those two little , just this amounts of colour which seemed to be saying such a lot
30 Having a ‘ purge ’ on the cones in my cupboard I used an acrylic ‘ angora ’ type of yarn for the background ( putting a strand of sewing cotton with the yarn for the welts ) .
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