Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [prep] the corner " in BNC.

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1 QUINN HAD DROPPED the attaché case into the open back of the Golf only thirty seconds after swerving around the corner of the street containing the apartment-block .
2 Though before she could go round the side of the house to meet him , she saw that he had accidentally let Azor out too , for bounding round the corner , as he had one time before , came Ven 's Dobermann .
3 Aggie looked up and down the narrow street ; then , taking a chain with a lock attached to it from under a piece of sacking in the corner of the cart , she pushed the cart close to the gate , and tied a leg of it to the iron post .
4 ‘ I 'm perfectly capable of walking round the corner on my own . ’
5 Erm and so it was sort of going to the corner shop and buying what they could , er when they had the money , and sometimes they would borrow money from somebody whose benefit came on a different day .
6 His head was at a strange angle because of the way that he 'd kind of subsided into the corner , and his eyes were slightly open .
7 But when when they showed you in the house there was just like old cardboard boxes just sort of thrown in the corner and and just sort of paper carrier bags and polythene bags just sort of slung there .
8 ‘ Money buys you certain things , but it ca n't buy you the simple pleasures in life like going around the corner into a bar and having a drink , ’ he says
9 She thought about moving from the corner .
10 Leaving his engine running , I nipped back to the junction , hugging the side of a terrace house before peering round the corner .
11 The car swung to the right and pulled on to the verge , and he swung towards Caroline , his eyes blazing with such anger that she had to keep from cringing into the corner .
12 Well as I actually had to going round the corner , to get myself round the corner , I had to come off the brake and onto the accelerator
13 Abigail lay on her side , well tucked in , the teddy bear she was too young for sitting in the corner by her feet .
14 there 's a psychological as aspect in some so much that if they think that a policeman is gon na walk round the corner er , they 're not so keen on doing it .
15 I can hear a car , I think there 's one gon na come round the corner
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