Example sentences of "[adj] dispute with [noun prp] over " in BNC.

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1 The United States , the United Kingdom , and France were obliged to abstain from the vote on Resolution 731 ( 1992 ) because they are parties to this dispute with Libya over allegations surrounding the Lockerbie and UIA bombings that were the very subject matter of this resolution .
2 It became entwined with the separate dispute with ASLEF over flexible rostering , which the board had announced would be introduced from July with or without agreement .
3 AN ATTEMPT to defuse the increasingly hostile dispute with China over democracy in Hong Kong was made last night by the Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd .
4 Notwithstanding the official explanations , most observers interpreted the move as a display of Russian displeasure over Japan 's relentless pursuit of its territorial dispute with Russia over the Northern Territories .
5 Escalating dispute with China over Patten 's reform package
6 Following Britain 's recent dispute with China over the stationing of People 's Liberation Army troops in Hong Kong after 1997 , Whitehall has been at pains to keep its distance from the immigration row .
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