Example sentences of "[adj] evidence from the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There is even some evidence from the tracks they have left behind that Diplodocus and its allies moved about in herds .
2 Seismic and gravity data , together with direct evidence from the rocks themselves , allow us to identify the structural and compositional differences between oceanic and continental crust .
3 Her trip to Paris had already involved her in an unsolved crime , very possibly a murder , not to mention withholding evidence from the police .
4 While recent scientific findings about sleep patterns receive regular exposure in the media in popular N science programmes and in magazines , there is little evidence from the results of the Hull survey that they have made any impression on the public mind .
5 The Liberals secured the majority report of the Select Committee but the Unionist members under Lord Robert Cecil extracted ever more damaging evidence from the witnesses interviewed .
6 In view of the available evidence from the questions expressly asked there is little chance of disconfirming this view , although one may be inclined to regard it with a degree of scepticism .
7 This sort of first-hand evidence from the children reveals how utterly distorted were the verdicts of groups such as the National Federation of Women 's Institutes when , after citing highly selective and impressionistic reports from their local workers — which tended to repeat ad nauseam the ‘ fish and chips ’ allegations and held the evacuee mother up to ridicule — they concluded :
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