Example sentences of "[adj] areas have [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Established methods of keeping traffic out of residential areas have been avoided in the model towns , for the disadvantages of barriers and one-way systems are now well known .
2 None of the design budget of the public areas had been wasted back here .
3 Few areas have been subjected to uninterrupted denudation since then , but , as the earlier Tertiary climates were very different from the present ones , any surviving landforms could present difficulties to the investigator .
4 Population and housing growth in the more pressurized areas had been channelled into the key settlements , but the selected villages in the more remote areas were simply too small to function as foci for growth .
5 The NAO report , however , found that some areas had been neglected , notably air , as the inspectorate concentrated its resources on those areas it considered to be priorities such as nuclear sites .
6 Near some crofts however some areas have been improved by liming and surface seeding and elsewhere grazing , drainage and muirburn have altered the natural vegetation cover .
7 Prior to nationalisation rural areas had been served either by companies ( which charged prices which reflected the higher costs of rural supplies ) , or by nearby local authority undertakings extending beyond their municipal boundaries .
8 The type of employment offered by manufacturing industry in rural areas has been questioned for a number of reasons .
9 One solution to the problems caused by the withdrawal of rail transport in rural areas has been to replace these services with buses .
10 Many small towns in rural areas have been chosen as the sites of branch plants because they have ready supplies of labour which ( drawing on low female activity rates ) is flexible , is relatively cheap , and has little tradition of trade unionism .
11 Nine specific areas have been identified for special training programmes , including construction , catering and cleaning .
12 Environmentally-sensitive areas have been established to restrict the use of chemical fertilisers , though fewer than half those recommended by the Nature Conservancy Council ( NCC ) .
13 Once subject areas have been decided upon , the librarian needs to fix precise boundaries for revision purposes .
14 A new Transit Shed measuring 4500m 2 and a covered storage area measuring 840m 2 has been provided while the surrounding areas have been concreted to allow easy movement of cargo handling machinery .
15 Large areas have been ruined by nuclear testing , which exposed millions of people to radiation .
16 Large areas have been planted by the Government as coniferous forest , some of which is about ready now for harvesting after 50 60 years of growth .
17 Both these areas had been proposed for SPA status by the Nature Conservancy Council , in August 1990 and July 1988 respectively , but no progress has been made .
18 These areas have been selected to tie into other current ESRC Initiatives on Social Change and Economic Life and on the economic and political understanding in 16-19 year olds .
19 To achieve this recognition , the modules in these areas have been matched against the Lead Bodies ' standards and amended where necessary .
20 Small amounts of native silver were produced from veins cutting Devonian volcanics and Dinantian sediments in Central Scotland at Alva and Hilderstone respectively ; these areas have been investigated by the BGS ( MRP 53 and 68 ) .
21 Some of the most intractable problems in Scottish geology relate to the structural and metamorphic history of the Moine Series rocks of the North West and Grampian Highlands , the ages of which have been matters of controversy and speculation since the early nineteenth century because of their structural complexity , and the lack of incontrovertible and unequivocal evidence of their absolute age , and it is noteworthy that research in these areas has been led by Geological Survey scientists , sometimes with university collaboration , and sometimes without .
22 In the USA on the other hand , a good deal of useful research in these areas has been undertaken .
23 It is most unlikely that either of these areas has been used for arable in the last 1500 years , and this is confirmed to some extent by field names recorded on the earliest maps ( of the early nineteenth century ) and in medieval documents .
24 With hundreds of thousands of people displaced from their homes by the conflict , the economy of these areas has been devastated and government forces are laying siege to many parts of the north , often involving inaccurate and indiscriminate bombardments of civilian population centres .
25 Some Home Corners have even extended onto split levels or two floors , where raised areas have been used for this purpose .
26 Some small instrumented areas have been selected as representative of particular conditions whereas others were experimental , in which change due to logging or other forms of land use change could be monitored either by change in one basin or by comparison of several areas in which changes were taking place to differing degrees .
27 A substantial number of small instrumented areas have been instituted in different parts of the world and physical geographers contributed to the initiation and running of a considerable number of these .
28 There are several ponds , hence the startlingly green Fescue fairways , and for reasons as much ecological as golfing , rough areas have been encouraged and a series of copses planted to add character and to complement the design .
29 Two key areas have been selected for initial study , the office of Chairman and Managing Director and that of the Finance Controller .
30 Considerable exploration effort in those areas has been felt by the industry to be worthwhile , and in the United States has already met with some commercial success .
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