Example sentences of "[adj] million [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such land could , in theory , be used to produce up to 30 million tonnes of fuel , with further advantages of biodiesel being its sulphur-free composition , its " extremely positive " energy balance , and its price competitiveness provided it is tax-free .
2 The East German power station of Janschwalde burns 30 million tonnes of coal per year and annually emits as much sulphur dioxide as Sweden .
3 It is a threat because the Government have sat back willingly and said that they do not care if another 30 million tonnes of coal is taken out of the take and if there are to be gas-fired power stations .
4 There are now two grounds for referring a prospective merger to an investigation by the MMC : ( 1 ) that the merger will promote a new monopoly as defined by the 25 per cent market share used in deciding references for existing monopoly positions , or ( 2 ) that the merger involves the transfer of at least 30 million worth of company assets .
5 In total , Cornwall has produced some 2 million tonnes of tin , according to estimates .
6 Asfordby expects to produce not much less than 2 million tonnes of coal a year with only 400 men .
7 Goldreyer has always maintained that he meticulously applied up to 2 million dots of paint and that he did not repaint the canvas .
8 It will cut through Neblina National Park , comprising 2 million hectares of rainforest , was designated a park in 1979 under Brazilian law , to protect its rich and diverse habitat .
9 In 1980 , the UK bought 252 million litres of wine .
10 Talisman ( WA-8-L ) : Production from the Talisman field to date has been approximately 7.5 million barrels of oil .
11 It will be 90 metres high and will contain 174 million cu.m of water when completed in 1985 .
12 Three and a half million head of cattle were moved to the great stock yards by rail each year , together with 8 million hogs and 5 million sheep .
13 In May 1984 the British government granted a licence and planning permission for the extraction of up to one and half million tonnes of lignite a year to Northern Strip Mining , part of the British Burnett and Hallamshire group .
14 It 's home to the vast fish plants which process two and a half million tons of fishmeal every year … to be sold as animal feed .
15 structural benefits that we do have this backlog twenty six and a half million pounds of work .
16 So in net terms we can have maximum , we wo n't go to this in the current till next year , erm two and a half million pounds of growth .
17 For some time I had wanted to move further from London with its many social distractions , and now with the half million words of notes I had brought back with me from my world tour waiting to be distilled into a book , I felt the need more than ever .
18 And the market the market size really for in year one is two and a half percent which is fourteen and a half million litres of water .
19 The RSPB , as part of its ‘ Campaign for the Countryside ’ , has recently called for two and a half million acres of farmland to be taken out of production and converted to wildlife habitats , a process to be paid for by money diverted from CAP into conservation .
20 BRITISH farmers will harvest 22.4 million tons of cereals this year — 200,000 tons less than last year — a survey says .
21 When this unlikely idea was first launched in England and Canada , the exact pattern of the past few million years of pole reversals had yet to be charted .
22 In 1844–53 Russia exported about 115 million hectolitres of grains per year , but in the second half of the 1870s between 47 and 89 million .
23 After some 140 million years of development , the nautiluses gave rise to a variant group with many more flotation chambers to each shell , the ammonites .
24 According to preliminary estimates , twelve of the southern countries have been damaged by severe erosion to the extent of about 70 million acres out of some 140 million acres of land now in crops .
25 Some of the finest fossils had been found there : ammonites sixty-four million years of age ; belemnites — the internal skeletons of a prehistoric octopus ; coral colonies .
26 ( 1973 ) calculated that the 1.3–1.7 million tonnes of oxides of nitrogen injected into the stratosphere as a result of 340 million tonnes of nuclear explosions in 1961 and 1962 were equivalent to the effects of between 600 and 1000 fully operational Concordes , and that there was no significant effect on the stratospheric ozone layer during or after the tests .
27 It has been estimated that up to 300 million tonnes of oil a year could be saved in the USSR by cutting waste , substituting gas for oil in industrial complexes and making more use of the vast coal reserves , but whether this will be achieved to any significant extent outside the essentially capitalist ethos where cost saving is an easily learned lesson , is doubtful .
28 The relay satellites , each of which can relay 300 million bits of information , or about five million words , per second , were needed to handle the massive flow of data collected and immediately beamed down by Spacelab 's instruments .
29 The report mentions that between April 1990 and March 1991 7690 kms main and 690 , OOO services were laid displacing 12 million tons of material — more than the channel tunnel .
30 The Brazilian space institute , INPE , estimates that the fires have released between 6 and 12 million tonnes of ash into the atmosphere .
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