Example sentences of "[adj] grounds [prep] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 While the evidence is not conclusive , there are therefore some grounds for believing that trusts for performance would be enforced directly and in specie .
2 These give us further grounds for thinking that there is some characteristic which is common to the postnominal attributives and to the predicative position of the adjective in a relative clause , but which is not found in the prenominal adjectives .
3 So there 's theoretical grounds for suggesting that a variable er variable interval erm , did I say a variable interval or variable ratio ?
4 This approach to visual perception illuminates the nature and generation of our own experiences , and could in principle provide theoretical grounds for saying that a bat , or a Martian , who applied i specific ( objectively definable ) structural description to an object would be more likely to experience a specific type of imagery accordingly .
5 There is in fact no compelling logic in any of these assumptions ; not merely is there no reason for assuming that Britain and Germany will have opposite policies in the postwar phase , there are real grounds for supposing that the major European countries will then start to have convergent policies .
6 It would only be right to have regard to facilities if there are objective grounds for believing that the lender will fulfil his commitment .
7 Having lived through the case in considerable detail since the writ was delivered in 1989 , nearly seven years after the audit report in question was signed off , I think I can say that there are some better grounds for believing that the result is good for the profession than are implied in your brief summary .
8 But there may be powerful grounds for saying that the command economy , is the culprit , rather than the management of it .
9 The court has to be satisfied that there are substantial grounds for believing that , if released on bail , the defendant would fail to appear for trial , would commit an offence while on bail , or would obstruct the course of justice .
10 This seems to me to represent good grounds for believing that functionalism itself may well be true .
11 Finally , there are very good grounds for believing that the rising crime wave is real — material conditions for large sections of the community have deteriorated markedly .
12 It is clear from data on occupations drawn from the decennial censuses that retirement for men over the age of 65 was increasing from 1881 , almost thirty years before the introduction of a state pension ; and modern evidence from the United States gives good grounds for believing that , in some circumstances at least , changes in retirement age over time represent a supply-side factor , with people choosing retirement before they become incapable of work .
13 That , however , is to ignore the efforts of several bishops over many years to secure some lasting settlement between a wilful king and his resentful subjects ; the lateness of their conversion to deposition — under duress or in despair — is rather to their credit than otherwise ; as for the fiercest episcopal opponents of the king , their experience gave them good grounds for believing that the church 's liberties would be better protected under another king .
14 Indeed , we have good grounds for believing that the information that we have been given is accurate : I know that my Hon. Friend the Member for Cunninghame , North would not have read out that list without a solid belief that the property speculators were busy .
15 Instead , there are good grounds for believing that the listener constructs a syntactic and semantic interpretation of the input word-by-word , and that this information is used to guide the processing of subsequent words .
16 Fourth , structure ( 47 ) for the clausal adjective follows just the same general intensional pattern as will be needed for sentences which contain not an adjective but a ( non-finite ) verb phrase : ( 61 ) Leonard proved this theorem to rival the Nomination theorem in its scope Atkins will guarantee her picture to have fetched $100,000 at its last sale 4.7 It seems permissible to agree , in this case , that we do have good grounds for accepting that the adjectives are understood as part of a structure felt to be a clause , of which the preceding noun phrase would be the subject .
17 There are good grounds for suggesting that general practice in Britain has done more than merely survive .
18 Furthermore , there are good grounds for assuming that the distinction between sentence processing and discourse processing is by no means a clear one .
19 There are good grounds for thinking that to a significant degree home and foreign capital markets were separate and gave rise to quite different levels of investment expectations .
20 Nevertheless , there are good grounds for thinking that the ‘ pay explosion ’ owed much to the institutional structure of British industrial relations [ Phelps Brown , 1975 ] .
21 Yet the woman may be justifiably petrified of the man and may have good grounds for thinking that whatever steps she takes , his threat will be carried out .
22 Alternatively , expressions like ‘ it is thought that ’ or ‘ there are good grounds for saying that ’ or ‘ it follows from the authorities that ’ can be used .
23 The early bipedal hominids were smaller than us so it is not surprising that they had smaller skulls , but there are no good grounds for supposing that men have gradually been evolving into creatures of greater and greater intelligence .
24 However , we shall adhere to the view ( treated more fully in Appendix A ) that there are no good grounds for supposing that systems designed to model relationships in external worlds will give us any insight into the syntagmatic links used by human syntax when it joins words into phrases and sentences .
25 It is enough if there be just and reasonable grounds for apprehending that unless payment be made an unlawful and injurious course will be taken by the defendant in violation of the plaintiffs ' actual rights .
26 There were reasonable grounds for hoping that the Salt 11 Treaty would be ratified by the American Congress , prohibiting deployment of the cruise devices for two years .
27 Then comes the expected , ‘ unless the custody officer has reasonable grounds for believing that his detention without being charged is necessary to secure or preserve evidence relating to an offence for which he is under arrest or to obtain such evidence by questioning him ’ [ emphasis added ] .
28 All the superintendent must have are reasonable grounds for believing that an offence is a serious arrestable one ; this safeguard , therefore , is obviated where the police think one of these vague and undefined consequences might occur .
29 The justices in the court below had been right to conclude that the police had ‘ reasonable grounds for believing that , if they were not present at the meeting , there would be seditious speeches and other incitements to violence and breaches of the peace would occur ’ .
30 A haulier must register for VAT if there are reasonable grounds for believing that its contracts will bring in more than a certain sum per year .
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