Example sentences of "[adj] visit to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This visit to Coy in London was logged as gathering information on Nicholson . ’
2 Khan was a Muslim nobleman from the Deccan who paid an extended visit to Delhi from 1737 to 1741 as part of the entourage of Safdarjung 's great rival : Asaf Jah , the first Nizam of Hyderabad .
3 The King 's invitation to visit India had been issued by the Indian President , Ramaswamy Venkataraman , during the latter 's four-day visit to Bhutan on Oct. 18-21 , 1988 , the first visit by an Indian President since 1974 .
4 Masire agreed , during a four-day visit to Namibia in July , to form a joint commission to promote trade and communications , and to create a protocol on defence and security .
5 King Jigme paid a four-day visit to India in late November 1990 .
6 Taro Nakayama , the Foreign Minister , began a four-day visit to Washington on March 20 .
7 During a four-day visit to Moscow on Feb. 7-10 , US Secretary of State James Baker held talks with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze , and had a meeting with President Gorbachev on Feb. 9 .
8 Defence Secretary Dick Cheney left on Oct. 15 for a trip including London and Paris as well as a four-day visit to Moscow on Oct. 16-19 .
9 In speeches delivered by him during a four-day visit to Catalonia in January , he called for unity and solidarity ; yet , at the same time , he himself kept the in-fighting going by distancing himself from Serrano while cultivating Arrese .
10 Soviet President Gorbachev made a historic four-day visit to Japan on April 16-19 , during which he held several sessions of talks with Kaifu .
11 The latest massacre coincided with the ending of a four-day visit to Burma by Mr Jan K Eliasson , Secretary General of the United Nations , who is seeking a solution to the refugee problem .
12 The King paid another visit to India on Jan. 31-Feb. 4 , 1990 .
13 The UN special envoy , Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Petrovsky , had paid another visit to Libya on May 10-12 [ see also p. 38883 ] , and said on May 14 that the Libyan leader Col. Moamer al Kadhafi would ask the Libyan General People 's Committee to decide on the question of the extradition of the two Libyans wanted in connection with the Lockerbie bombing — a process which Petrovsky said would take four or five weeks .
14 Relations with the hardline regime in China fared better , with the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party , Jiang Zemin , visiting Pyongyang on March 14-16 , 1990 , and Kim making a reciprocal visit to China on Sept. 11 , shortly before the opening of the Asian Games in Beijing in which a South Korean team participated .
15 It has also been agreed that Italy will pay a reciprocal visit to Dublin in April when they will take part in a Four Nations competition to replace the Home International championships , following England 's decision to pull the plug on the domestic series last season .
16 It has also been agreed that Italy will pay a reciprocal visit to Dublin in April when they will take part in a Four Nations competition to replace the Home International championships , following England 's decision to pull the plug on the domestic series last season .
17 Unabashed , he made a clandestine visit to Moscow in 1923 as a delegate to the Red International of Labour Unions .
18 Following a further visit to Paris for talks with Mitterrand and French Prime Minister Michel Rocard on May 28-29 , Mazowiecki said that he had received support for Polish demands over the Polish-German border issue , as well as its request to participate in the " two-plus-four " talks on German unification [ see also above ] .
19 MAYOR Ray Weaver 's 200-year-old gold chain of office , worth £25,000 , was stolen from his car during a civic visit to France from Weymouth .
20 At the end of a six-day visit to Iran by the Pakistani Minister of State for Defence , Col. ( retd ) Ghulam Sarwar Cheema , a defence co-operation agreement was signed .
21 President Yang Shangkun of China began a six-day visit to Thailand on June 10 .
22 The Ballet Club paid a second visit to Johannesburg in July 1944 , and John wrote to Hanns , exclaiming jubilantly that ‘ We arranged for me to have meals at the Carlton , so I have been dining in style this week ! ’
23 Pope John Paul II paid his second visit to Brazil on Oct 12-21 , visiting 10 cities , and appealing for social justice for native peoples , landless peasants and street children , while maintaining his strictures against birth control and divorce .
24 In 1732 , on a second visit to Rome with Henry and Stephen Fox , his portrait by Antonio David shows him fashionably dressed , holding a gun , with an attendant , dogs , and a brace of partridges — he was highly rated as a shot .
25 A major force of 5,000 Japanese were moved into Aileu and a second visit to Ainaro by men of another Japanese unit ( which , is not clear ) was full of brutality : the priests were killed ; some houses were burnt down .
26 Pickering Methodist Church member Peter Robinson is making a second visit to Albania in May taking 200 mattresses and clothing collected in the Ryedale area .
27 In his second visit to Portugal on May 10-14 [ for his first visit , in May 1982 , see p. 31604 ] , John Paul II prayed before a shrine of Our Lady of Fatima , near Lisbon , in thanks for his survival of an assassination attempt exactly 10 years earlier .
28 Pope John Paul II paid his second visit to Mexico on May 6-13 ( his 10th to Latin America ) and was welcomed at the airport by President Carlos Salinas de Gortari , an act criticized by opposition parties since Mexico had no diplomatic relations with the Vatican .
29 Azcona paid an official visit to Spain on May 7-8 , 1989 .
30 On her first official visit to Derbyshire in fourteen years , Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother , President of the National Trust , received a royal welcome at Calke Abbey in May .
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