Example sentences of "[adj] types of [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It may , however , be useful to make a distinction between two different types of state to which such labels have been applied relatively indiscriminately by different authors .
2 The same problem has also resulted from the use of different types of Road to Health ( RTH ) cards and immunisation schedules .
3 The results of our own research into the minimum cost to replace the basic contents of different types of property to a reasonable standard may be of assistance as a guide .
4 The results of our own research into the minimum cost to replace the basic contents of different types of property to a reasonable standard may be of assistance as a guide :
5 The authors concluded , ‘ APT provides effective means for managing the different types of risk to which investors are exposed .
6 In many jobs , condition ( 4 ) can be fulfilled as it is possible for similar types of work to be tackled throughout the 24 hours .
7 Of the three types of relation to practical politics which intellectuals generally , and political theorists in particular , may have , the most important for further consideration here is the second — that which consists in the interpretation of current and medium-term political trends , in the light of some general theory or conception of political life .
8 To check and prevent all types of abuse to captive animals and wild life .
9 After a period of exposure to grazing one can then test for the frequency of the various types of damage to clover leaves with the different genotypes and afterwards reconfirm the cyanogenic or acyanogenic status of the plant ( Fig. 16.7 ) .
10 Substantiated complaints may result in applications to the Bar Disciplinary Tribunal , which can disbar the barrister , suspend from practice , order to repay or forgo fees , or order various types of rebuke to be administered .
11 In the more recently developed applications , expert clauses are less specific in that they do not reserve individual issues such as sales figures for determination by an expert , but refer general types of disputes to experts : for instance , " all disputes of a technical nature arising under this agreement " .
12 The expert literature tells social workers ( and other professionals in the field ) that there are certain types of injuries to , and behaviour from , children that tend to be indicative of child abuse ( Thompson , 1981 ; Johnson , 1985 ) .
13 Indeed , one measure of their growing confidence in the scheme had been the agreement , from November 1981 , to allow the Polytechnic delegated authority to make certain types of changes to the Course without the prior agreement of the Council .
14 There are very high level languages on the market which enable certain types of systems to be developed quickly and easily , but they are not as fast as the traditional languages , and so they are not suitable for recruitment applications .
15 Polytechnic granted delegated authority to make certain types of change to the course without prior approval of the CNAA .
16 But it 's more pu , you know , it 's almost de rigueur , mo amongst certain types of executive to be suffering from stress .
17 Alternatively , where a local plan is in existence it is usually stated policy to confine certain types of industry to particular areas , restricting land use in and around residential areas to that of a ‘ light industrial ’ nature within Class III of the Town and Country Planning ( Use Classes ) Order 1972 ; defined as :
18 There are two types of indexes to be found in classification schemes : a relative index and a specific index .
19 Oracle7 provides two types of gateways to non-Oracle data : automatic and programmable .
20 The question is easily answered where the two types of liability to be excluded are covered by sections of the UCTA which only render the clause unenforceable if it fails to satisfy the requirement of reasonableness ( for instance s 2 , property damage , and s 6(3) , implied warranty of quality ) .
21 Two types of tickets to the bull-ring were available …
22 This extract from Sears ' includes two types of guidance to the cataloguer :
23 All other types of mail to and from HM Forces in Northern Ireland and South Atlantic must bear postage at the HM Forces concessionary rates .
24 The coding system used to record the physical nature and condition of items issued to readers also contained an element which enabled the presence of specific types of damage to be noted where these were very evident .
25 The White Paper lists three main types of barriers to be eliminated .
26 In the case of such groups there are , I think , three main types of relation to practical politics .
27 The coding system allows two main types of information to be coded , fixed features — those that will be the same every time a junction is seen , and variable features — those which could potentially change every time a junction is passed through .
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