Example sentences of "[adj] years before [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 Though he was fortunate to secure the friendship of the ruthless Ras Mikael of Tigre , who at that time dominated Abyssinia , it was three and a half years before he could leave the country .
2 The trouble was that after they were born , children had to wait for six years before they could be sent to school and forgotten for most of the day .
3 You know , I mean but this teacher wo n't stand no nonsense and I said to Lee y you were at it three years before you could speak like Carla speaks it !
4 His commercial pride badly wounded , Mercer fought off the criticism , but had to endure a harsh winter watching his team struggle in the knowledge that it would be many years before he could contemplate the fire-side warmth of his own undersoil heating .
5 But it would take many years before Nordhausen became a green town , many years before it could even start to ease back on the pollution it coughed on to its inhabitants and the surrounds in which they existed .
6 ‘ It would have been another 17 or 18 years before we could have had this vote again and I would have lost my chance . ’
7 So we waited five long years before we could go in daylight , find the oil , and deny the Luftwaffe and the tank crews of the substance that they so desperately needed .
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