Example sentences of "close [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Miss Harker nearly got too close the other night , did n't she ? ’
2 So I would , thought Bobby , if you would just let me close the door now and then , but he only said , ‘ I 've heard of Hertzl . ’
3 Other analysts may well develop different ways of making the connection ; however , no matter how close the systems ideas come to the real-world activities , it will always be necessary to temper those ideas with a firm grasp of the practical effects of any changes .
4 The market says close the pits .
5 ‘ Now we 're looking to encourage our customers to send remittance advices electronically so we can post them straight into the sales ledger , and eventually we 'll ‘ close the loop ’ as regards other documents too .
6 She close the door behind her and walked upstairs to her room .
7 The energy balance diagram , Fig. 21.16 , shows that over the region where the production is high the other important term is the dissipation ; the remaining terms in eqn ( 19.22 ) are much less significant ( apart from some rather complicated transfer processes very close the wall ) .
8 The following morning , Arty was taken by ambulance to the huge Victorian red-brick pile on the edge of town — a massive structure set well back in the fields and surrounded by a high wall to protect the sensibilities of the sane from too close a confrontation with one of society 's more disagreeable problems .
9 Try to keep as close a watch as possible on your puppy throughout the teething period .
10 ‘ Turning our attention now to the remaining portion of the Archipelago , we shall find that all the islands from the Celebes and Lombok eastward exhibit almost as close a resemblance to Australia and New Guinea as the western islands do to Asia … ’
11 For example , those purchasing care can not establish too close a relationship with the direct care providing groups .
12 The inadequacies in the existing structure of local government also meant that central government needed to keep too close a watch on the provision of local services , thus reducing the scope for local decision-making .
13 Indeed many advertisers , fearful of too close a relationship with Oz and It , dismissive — or completely ignorant — of Time Out , but wishing for a way into a market that the then flagging Melody Maker and NME were failing to tap , seemed optimistic about the prospects for a new alternative British music paper .
14 Sometimes to claim too close a relationship became the way of getting rid of a wife , particularly if she had not produced male children .
15 Just make sure he does n't get too close a look at me , that 's all I can do .
16 However , from the landlord 's point of view too close a relationship between rent and profit means that his income will depend to a large extent on the efficiency with which the tenant carries on business rather than on the value of the demised property .
17 I was n't keeping too close a watch , ’ she confessed .
18 If you get too close a warning is sounded ; if you ignore this , the brakes are applied .
19 ‘ We are the refuge , ’ said a French airman , ‘ of all those who fear too close a confinement of the spirit , the discipline of the corps of troops … ’
20 So we would have had to leave anyway , in case the cops started taking too close an interest in it .
21 From its first meeting it was also identified with the anti-slavery movement and this meant that it did not establish itself in America , where many religious leaders were wary of too close an identification with such a divisive issue .
22 The danger of too close an association between church and dance music is the subject of the humorous short story ‘ Absent-mindedness in a parish choir ’ .
23 Anomalously , proposals for Private Member 's bills are emanating increasingly from governments ; a government wishes to see a particular measure enacted but either wishes not to devote government time to it , or wishes to avoid too close an association with its controversial subject-matter , or both .
24 We can now see that Oulton 's art has followed a wilfully individual path , avoiding too close an association with any fashionable cause , and managing to remain relevant in a trecherous time .
25 Teaching , then , can be conceived of as a research activity whereby experimental techniques of instruction are designed to correspond with hypothetical principles of pedagogy , with provision made for mutual adjustment so as to bring validity of principle into as close an alignment as possible with the utility of technique .
26 Ditches old and new kept the new arrivals from too close an approach to the massive town walls , but , to be sure , this also applied in reverse ; the enemy were just out of range of Berwick 's cannon .
27 The first , and perhaps commonest interpretation of the term , is the one which takes it to be about normalising people , i.e. making people as close an approximation of normal as possible .
28 As we saw , this was partly because their stance of ‘ scientific detachment ’ precluded too close an involvement in matters of ‘ policy ’ and partly because the causes of crime that they generated tended to involve factors that were beyond the scope of penal practitioners .
29 That said , some of the lyrics do n't stand up to too close an inspection : ‘ I ride my bike like it 's a rocket/I like to pop peoples ' eyes outta the socket ’ from the equally dubiously titled ‘ Whama-Lama-Bam-Bam-Boy ’ sounds like something outta Bizzerk , while lines beginning ‘ Hey pretty mama ’ should be left in the '70s , where they belong .
30 He was propped on one elbow beside her , the width of the picnic hamper giving her an illusion of safety from too close an intimacy .
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