Example sentences of "involves more " in BNC.

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1 Daikin said he had indications from ‘ people involved in making a better South Africa ’ that ‘ if the tour were not to take place there are certain advantages that may flow from that decision , a highly attractive package for young South Africans of the future that involves more than cricket ’ .
2 But , as with geriatric anxiety , the treatment involves more than developing less attached relationships .
3 Second , the duty involves more than a duty of obedience .
4 The idea of a book each a year from the three editors seemed to calm him and I am sure he realizes that this involves more than reading the one script .
5 The requirement to take ‘ all practicable measures ’ involves more than taking reasonable care : it means doing what is feasible in the light of the state of knowledge existing at the time of the alleged breach of duty , thus knowledge as to the availability of abatement methods and the likelihood of the dust or fumes to cause injury or offence is relevant.l
6 The challenge of AIDS involves more than individual sexual behaviour : it represents an opportunity to work through our commonest societal fears–and taboos , to reach new understanding and evolve compassionate action .
7 The conclusion we reach , which we share with Wood , is that ‘ the quest for general trends , such as progressive deskilling of the work force , or general conclusions about the impact of new technologies are likely to be both theoretically and practically in vain ’ and that ‘ to incorporate worker resistance , labour and product markets and extra-economic factors involves more than simply extending one 's analysis ; it amounts to a theoretical reconsideration ’ ( Wood 1982 , 18 , 22 ) .
8 For factoring , which involves more work , the charge can be anything between 0.5% and 3% of invoice value .
9 While he agrees that it involves more risk , it does not deter him .
10 Communicating orally involves more than reading or talking : gesture , posture , movements may all be intrinsic to it .
11 This involves more than just values , but where you are going , your direction , your knowledge and understanding of God 's purposes for you personally .
12 The symbolic value of law involves more than a volitional commitment to legal institutions and legal process , or the rhetorical effectiveness of international law arguments .
13 Sweeping clean involves more than just staying clean
15 The problem for Foucault is that this argument involves more than just madness as such , for it really amounts to a questioning of the very possibility of critique .
16 However , whether the musician or athlete will perform well involves more than just ability .
17 What they do is to introduce a new element into the concept of responsibility which involves more than free will and reason ; now a third party is present and is an active participant in the language game in which responsibility has a role .
18 Learning a language , as Halliday ( 1984 ) and Hymes ( 1971 ) amongst others have pointed out , involves more than acquiring a grammatical system that will generate well-formed sentences .
19 Serving the customer involves more members of the company than just those who serve at the customer interface .
20 But , mainly , the first method usually involves more work than the second .
21 Because it involves more things .
22 But the non-party style of select committees involves more MPs than ever before .
23 The British system of government involves more than a network of departments headed by ministers .
24 The key to our success is the recognition by users and their families that we avoid notions of coercion and forcible treatment , that psychiatric practice involves more than ensuring compliance with medication .
25 Setting up a task involves more than just typing the job in a box and putting it onto your timescale .
26 Removing a Windows application involves more than just deleting the icon from the Program Manager .
27 The cobweb model highlights the complexity of global interconnections , but globalization involves more than the proliferation of links .
28 The next stage of learning involves more stances and punching routines .
29 Do pay extra for daytime babysitting ; it inevitably involves more work .
30 The second involves more work but it means that an immersion heater can also be fitted , provided the coil is carefully positioned — see drawings on page 54 .
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