Example sentences of "impression we " in BNC.

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1 Overall Engels seems to go much further in this enthusiasm for Morgan than the generally vague impression we get from Marx .
2 Thus , when we think of a person , the impression we give to him and the one we wanted to give to him and what we really think of him , and what we say to other people about him are all exactly the same .
3 It had been the custom from early times to name children after their godparents ; precisely because the paternal grandfather was an obvious choice to fulfil such an office for the eldest-born son , the impression we often receive — wrongly , perhaps — is that a specific Christian name was perpetuated just because it was that borne by the male-line grandparent .
4 Were he to defend himself , no doubt he would surprise us all , but the overriding impression we get of him in retrospect is that he had fallen all too readily into the role of the squire 's man , the vicar 's buddy , the stern schoolmaster .
5 Since intransitive verbs do not specify , as transitive verbs usually do , a cause-effect relationship , the impression we get is that movement is divorced from purpose : all the strident activity of the industrial scene seems to be self-generating and uncontrolled .
6 That 's the impression we get up here ; nobody cares , nobody 's interested .
7 The impression we got was that they thought it was pretty much his own fault .
8 ‘ It 's not about diving into the murky depths in search of treasure — that is just the impression we want to get away from ’ , insists Noel Fojut , Historic Scotland 's Principal Inspector responsible for underwater archaeology .
9 The way we speak about Wimpey and the impression we give may influence someone who is thinking of buying a Wimpey home , negotiating with Wimpey Construction , buying materials from Wimpey Minerals or applying for a course in one of our craft training centres .
10 It is in all our interests that the impression we give is the right one .
11 May feels prices of soft drinks are too high , also Nicky was under the impression we sell ⅕ gill in spirits .
12 It gives the impression we 're prepared to spend the money and that 's what 's happened in previous years and it should n't happen .
13 I was under the impression we got married in the church .
14 But when you loved it , did n't you I mean I know I did when I was a young person first drinking erm I definitely had the feeling that if I was drinking to excess I was n't doing the right thing , whereas the impression we give in Oxford that drinking to the excess is perfectly acceptable behaviour .
15 What sort of things go into the impression we create on the telephone ?
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