Example sentences of "allowing only " in BNC.

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1 By the morning of the game the sports shops of Paris were locked , with staff supervising the doors , allowing only two people at a time into the shop .
2 A healthy aura is rather like a filter , allowing only that which is beneficial to affect us ; this is what it should achieve in a well-balanced person .
3 There was row upon row of rooms and carpeted corridors , revealed by their tensely-held torches , the ghostly yellow pools of light allowing only the objects that slid in and out of them to be examined .
4 He will present MPs with three options — total deregulation , limited opening times , or allowing only shops selling ‘ emergency ’ supplies to open .
5 Party chairman John Evans , backed by union leaders , wants a return to the tradition allowing only NEC members to speak from the platform .
6 Because of this , successful systems tend to be speaker dependent , allowing only isolated words , and have small vocabularies ( Holmes , 1988 ) .
7 The following table shows experimental results summed for four writers using this calculated mean letter width figure , allowing only those candidate words which are within ±1 of the calculated word length .
8 The beam-'em-ups are very two -dimensional , allowing only simple left-right movement .
9 But Henry II took into his own hands the county of Cornwall and all the Earl 's estates in England , Wales and Normandy and kept them to provide for his youngest son John , allowing only a small portion to go to Reginald 's daughters .
10 Section 36(5) stresses his independence allowing only minimal involvement at an earlier stage of the investigation .
11 The law is far too complex to justify a policy of allowing only advice and assistance .
12 Sometimes , even on the strictest of diets , allowing only a few hundred calories per day , it seems impossible to shift even a small amount of weight per week .
13 The unexplained gap between the pay of 26-year-old men and women was 51 per cent allowing only for educational background and employment experience , or 38 per cent allowing also for information on job characteristics .
14 An important clue was his reading of Malthus on population , which allowed him to see that the ‘ struggle for existence ’ caused by population pressure would act within the species , killing off any individuals who were not well adapted to the conditions and allowing only the ‘ fittest ’ ( i.e. best-adapted ) individuals to survive and breed .
15 In particular the set of expression values is likely to be much restricted ( perhaps allowing only the Boolean values 0 and 1 ) .
16 The explanation might be that a probable leak at the tight junction is relative , allowing only small molecules to pass into the intercellular space .
17 In Britain , gene transplants like Carly 's have been limited by the ethics committee to operations which produce changes that will not be passed on to future generations — effectively allowing only treatments little different in ethical terms from ordinary organ transplants .
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