Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [is] nothing " in BNC.

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1 However , it does not follow from this that there is nothing in an animal 's head , or that nothing useful can be said about it .
2 This time it comes from God 's own lips , the crime of Hophni and Phinehas is declared to be blasphemy , Eli is condemned for not restraining them , and the speech ends with a divine oath making it irrevocably clear that there is nothing these three priests can do to ward off the coming disaster .
3 If , however , you find yourself carrying three or four such problems it seems clear that there is nothing for it but to go back and attack the first difficulties again .
4 ‘ This is very interesting , ’ she said , ‘ but I 'm afraid that it is nothing more than a performance .
5 If you are convinced that there is nothing after this earthly life and that death is the ultimate finality , then you can not be crying for the one who has died for he can not now be suffering in any way at all .
6 Nor is it surprising that there is nothing that can be firmly attributed to Christian influence within the first sixty-five titles .
7 For much the same reasons we are quite satisfied that there is nothing in the Act which affects in any way the processes by which decisions as to suspension and disbarment , and so on are to be taken and promulgated through the machinery created by the Inns in 1986 with the concurrence of the judges , subject always to the visitorial jurisdiction of the judges .
8 It is perfectly true that there is nothing conclusively in the poem to make us identify the first stair with Dante 's Inferno , the second with his Purgatorio , the third with Paradiso ; as there is not ( a more piercing uncertainty ) anything to determine for us whether ‘ the broadbacked figure drest in blue and green ’ , with his ‘ music of the flute ’ , is an image of what must be renounced in order to achieve Paradise , or else an image of how terrestrial life can most nearly attain the paradisal .
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