Example sentences of "[adj] is [adv] useful if " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly useful if done before leaving for work on hot days .
2 Also , remote users can dial in over a modem and access a network 's drives — this is really useful if you have people on the road who need access to office files .
3 For example , the easiest way to find your parting is to comb your hair back , then push it forwards until it parts naturally — this is very useful if you 're caught without a mirror . ’
4 This is very useful if you are travelling around .
5 ‘ Beaming ’ the signal is possible using certain high-frequency radio waves but this is only useful if you know where the receiving station happens to be .
6 This is extremely useful if you are self-employed and your cashflow fluctuates .
7 This is extremely useful if the office has to be left unattended for any period of time .
8 The law of passing-off is particularly useful if there is no registered mark to be infringed ; perhaps a trader or manufacturer has used a mark for several years without registering it as a trade mark .
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