Example sentences of "[adj] it [be] announced [that] " in BNC.

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1 On Dec. 12 it was announced that the railway authorities of France , Belgium and the UK had agreed a pounds 580,000,000 order for 30 high-speed locomotives , intended for use on such routes .
2 On March 12 it was announced that Egypt and Iran had each decided to set up an " interests office " in the other 's capital " as a first step towards the restoration of full diplomatic relations between the two countries " , according to Arab Republic of Egypt radio .
3 On May 12 it was announced that the Speaker of the National Assembly , Moses Kiprono arap Keino , had resigned .
4 On the evening of Jan. 12 it was announced that the existing six-member High Security Council had that day , by virtue of a mandate to preserve continuity given it by the Constitutional Council , resolved " that it is impossible to continue the election process until the necessary conditions are fulfilled for the normal functioning of institutions " .
5 On March 12 it was announced that legislative elections postponed in December would be held on May 24 ; it was later announced that the number of representatives in the National Assembly would be increased from 77 to 107 .
6 On March 2 it was announced that a new Committee for Employment and Emigration would assist the Foreign Ministry in exploring openings for Albanians to work abroad .
7 On Sept. 2 it was announced that Algeria would once again attempt to find a " lasting political solution " to the Tuareg question through diplomatic discussions with its neighbours .
8 Moreover , in January 1991 it was announced that the tests for 7 year olds had been modified and would take up half of teaching time for three weeks .
9 On Nov. 7 it was announced that Lithuania and Bulgaria had signed a trade and most-favoured nation treaty in Sofia .
10 On Aug. 7 it was announced that the United Arab Emirates had launched a programme to strengthen its armed forces ( which numbered 40,000 before the 1990-91 Gulf war crisis ) and replace its component of Arab and non-Arab expatriates with UAE nationals .
11 On Oct. 10 it was announced that the central committee of the ruling party , the Rassemblement du peuple togolais ( RPT ) , had approved a proposal for the drafting of a new constitution by a special commission which was to include representatives of " all socio-professional groups " ; the draft would be put to a referendum in late 1991 .
12 On April 26 it was announced that Tesfaye Dinka , Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs and a US-trained economist , had been made Prime Minister ( a post vacant since November 1989 ) , with a brief to form a new Cabinet composed of individuals " who can stand up for Ethiopian unity " .
13 On May 26 it was announced that Vladimir , Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk had been elected new head of the UOC .
14 On 1 July 1941 it was announced that Spain 's position was of " moral belligerence " .
15 On March 21 it was announced that members of the armed forces who had left for political reasons after June 1978 were to be reinstated .
16 On Oct. 21 it was announced that the last of the nuclear reactors at Greifswald would be shut down by mid-December 1990 , three other reactors there having already been closed during 1990 .
17 Also on March 21 it was announced that it was intended that from April 1993 all further education colleges offering full-time education and all sixth-form colleges should be taken out of local authority control , as the new sector of post-16 education funded directly by central government .
18 After a Cabinet meeting on Sept. 21 it was announced that the mandate under which the multinational rapid reaction force was stationed in south-east Turkey was to be extended for a further 90 days from Sept. 30 .
19 On July 21 it was announced that Ghozali had been appointed Algerian ambassador to Paris [ see also below ] .
20 However , after a meeting of the CSON on June 13-15 it was announced that the Constitution would be amended " to favour a transition to political pluralism " .
21 On Oct. 31 it was announced that Otto Schily , a leading member of the moderate Realos , was leaving and joining the SPD .
22 On March 31 it was announced that the Katowice Commercial and Credit Bank had become the first Polish bank to go bankrupt .
23 In the budget of 1992 it was announced that from 1993/4 onwards any extra married allowance can be claimed in its entirety by either husband or wife , or it can be shared equally between them , thus making the tax system fairer to married women .
24 By 1884 it was announced that Murchison 's interpretation of a simple succession of strata was untenable .
25 However , following a meeting of the NSF Council on Jan. 17 it was announced that plans for both referendums , scheduled for Jan. 28 , had been cancelled .
26 On Sept. 17 it was announced that the defence and economic co-operation accord between the USA and Turkey had been extended for another year .
27 On Oct. 17 it was announced that all Yugoslav ambassadors of Slovene origin had resigned .
28 In the weeks preceding her dismissal , she was beset by rumours of dissent within her own party and on Aug 5 it was announced that the Combined Opposition Parties intended to table a motion of no confidence against her government .
29 On July 5 it was announced that the ruling Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) had secured five of the 10 mayoralities of provincial capitals which had been left undecided in June pending investigations into alleged voting irregularities .
30 On June 11 it was announced that nine death sentences had been decreed in the southern town of Shiraz , where there had been disturbances after security forces acted against disabled war veterans holding a rally on April 15 .
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