Example sentences of "[adj] to be sure [that] " in BNC.

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1 Television is excellent for this , and Chomsky for long has had that great domain in which to show how governments and the big businesses linked to most television powers are very , very careful to be sure that few views are presented which violate the currently useful consensus .
2 I think we must be careful to be sure that we 're talking about a particular group in society in a sense , because you 've used words like ‘ graphical ’ and ‘ functions ’ and so forth and that seems to me to be limiting the section of society that we 're talking about — perhaps , what are we talking about , one in ten , one in four , certainly not more than that ?
3 But even there it is hard to be sure that there was no ultimate control from the temples .
4 Because the hair , too , was black it was hard to be sure that it was not simply matted and dried insects .
5 Although the Yerkes-Dodson law provides an additional prediction which can be tested , it suffers firstly from the problem that it is often impossible to define task difficulty a priori and secondly that even when this is done successfully it is very hard to be sure that task difficulty does not itself affect arousal .
6 The blaze commenced one lunchtime when few people were in the premises , so there was no loss of life , but it took a long time for the blaze to be brought under control and some days before the firemen were able to be sure that there was no risk of further outbreaks of fire .
7 Since an investment of time and effort is required it is important to be sure that it will all be worthwhile .
8 Fourthly , from the outset it is important to be sure that there is agreement with the patient about what is planned .
9 It is very important to be sure that the wreckage of the whole aircraft is present in case the accident was caused by a piece breaking off in flight and falling possibly a mile or two away .
10 It is important to be sure that your results are not distorted by such factors .
11 This option enables you to register the details of a Product , which means that they will be stored permanently and can not be altered thereafter , so it is important to be sure that they are correct before using the option .
12 In this imaginary development within Newtonian astronomy , it was never possible to be sure that a major success was not just around the corner .
13 Cawkell 's study related to acoustics , but Price 's work does not refer directly to any particular subject field , so that it is not possible to be sure that like is being compared with like .
14 That is essential to be sure that it can be properly monitored and dealt with . ’
15 They thus occupy a rather special place in the spectrum of infectious human disease , since , without being able to find the germ responsible , it is not only rather difficult to be sure that the disease is present in the first place , but , having given a treatment for which there can be no de finite evidence of efficacy , since no organism has been eliminated , it can be very difficult to tell whether the infection has resolved or even whether the patient is better .
16 As a result , it is often difficult to be sure that breeding males fertilize all the females in the groups that they guard : for example , even if territorial male red-winged blackbirds ( Agelaius phoeniceus ) are vasectomized , their females sometimes lay fertile eggs ( Bray , Kennelly & Guarino , 1975 ) .
17 They seemed not to be , but it was difficult to be sure that they had not simply managed to turn away again in time .
18 Clearly it is difficult to be dogmatic about faunas of this age , when such short time-spans are involved , and it is also difficult to be sure that particular species are more time-controlled than facies-controlled .
19 Remains of older persons present more of a problem , and when dealing with earlier populations , it is difficult to be sure that significant age-changes took place at the same time , and that they showed the same group variability , as in modem populations .
20 After submitting the DC , no further modifications can be made to it , so it is necessary to be sure that no further changes are required .
21 After submitting the DC , no further modifications may be made to it , so it is necessary to be sure that no further changes are required .
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