Example sentences of "[adj] may [be] thought [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In a sense this may be thought to contradict what I said in chapter 1 , where the emphasis was on the evident synchroneity of particular deposits , particularly carbonates .
2 This may be thought to give some substance to the notion of representation , which otherwise remains remarkably vague and undemanding in the Burkean version .
3 Secondly , it will be examined why , granted the profit maximisation objective , the profits should accrue to the shareholders , as opposed , for example , to the employees : if considerations of efficiency underscore the shareholders ' current position of preeminence , then this may be thought to provide a justificatory foundation for shareholder rights within a public interest framework .
4 The fact that three quarters of those prescribed medication thought it to have been very or fairly effective may be thought to vindicate this as a first line approach , but side effects from anticholinergic drugs are common , and important diagnoses ( for example , a neurological condition ) may be delayed .
5 Often , the vomiting of good may be thought to point to the presence of a simple , partial mechanical obstruction to gastric emptying .
6 Core Rule 28 may be thought to restrict the firm 's business unduly .
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