Example sentences of "[adj] proportion of [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 Since a high proportion of residents in Homes are frail , you may have to assist with nursing care and may come across conditions which you may not have met before in elderly people .
2 Since a high proportion of residents in Homes are frail , you may have to assist with nursing care , as outlined on pages 69 to 85 .
3 These early parties are nearly always found at Thorney Island and include a high proportion of adults in summer plumage .
4 A high proportion of merchants in the textile-dominated Moscow region belonged to the inward-looking Old Believer tradition .
5 More fundamentally , it is the high proportion of immigrants in this school which is responsible for the lowering of standards .
6 It then , in October , expressed its concern that a high proportion of courses in subjects other than business studies were being turned down , and it suggested that one of the reasons making it difficult for such courses to be approved might be that ‘ the Council 's present structure of honours and ordinary degrees was not so appropriate for courses in those fields ’ as in science and technology .
7 In their answers to that question a high proportion of pupils in all three bands left off the " pm " after the 12 hour clock time .
8 One finding of interest provided by the test with a calendar was that a high proportion of pupils in all attainment bands knew that dates in the following year fell a day later than the previous one .
9 The high proportion of carbohydrates in the leaves makes them an ideal target for creatures that bite and suck out the energy rich sap .
10 Even if it is not read out in the endless rounds of buying and selling shares , then the message , passive though it might be , should still find its way into the living rooms of a high proportion of homes in the Sheffield region .
11 That said , the prevalence of NSAID intake was not significantly lower than that reported in an Australian community prevalence study after correction for a lower proportion of women in the present study .
12 The pooling of saliva in this study was minimised by dilatation of the oesophagus before the pH monitoring period and motility studies showed that a similar proportion of patients in both groups had ineffective peristalsis .
13 Undertake a comprehensive survey of members ' professional activities and interests as a basis for involving a larger proportion of members in Institute affairs.PS
14 The results show that a relatively large proportion of lymphocytes in normal small bowel express γ-interferon .
15 Our study is the first to enumerate γ-interferon producing cells in sections of human intestine and the results show that a remarkably large proportion of lymphocytes in the lamina propria and epithelium of normal small bowel mucosa contain γ-interferon .
16 A further consequence of enterprise-based unions is that , although they permit a high degree of rank-and-file participation in decision-making , they nevertheless fail to organise large proportions of workers in smaller firms where unionism is discouraged by paternalistic employment relationships .
17 An appreciable proportion of practices in east London are of the type cited in the article .
18 Some questions in the tests were answered correctly by a substantial proportion of pupils in the lowest third .
19 A substantial proportion of pupils in all three bands were able to get the whole number of metres correct .
20 Even those who attain high levels may not choose to ( a substantial proportion of graduates in science and technology do not pursue careers in these ) .
21 The results will be discussed here because they lead to an interesting speculation upon the optimum level of investment in R&D and identification of variables explaining major proportions of variances in indicators of success .
22 A growing proportion of children in care of the local authority are not actually placed in homes or boarded out but are left under the charge of parent , guardian , relative or friend with some supervision from the social workers .
23 Compared with sector KW14.8 covering the east part of the town , a smaller proportion of residents in sector KW14.7 , which covers the west part worked in the construction industry in the pre-oil era ( table VII ) .
24 Successful farming in DRAs demands very high levels of skill but an even smaller proportion of farmers in such areas appear to have received any formal training ; opportunities to receive it are considerably less than in the more favoured farming areas .
25 The Commission provides guidance on certain of the services or costs they wish reviewed ; for example , in introducing a higher proportion of civilians into the police force or boarding out a higher proportion of children in care .
26 As Table 12 , above , shows , a number of chronological groups contained a markedly higher proportion of items in need of repair than the overall figure of 6% already calculated .
27 It must not be forgotten , however , that although a particular period may contain a low proportion of defective items , if publications from that period are in great demand , a larger number of defective items from that period may be issued ( and may suffer further damage ) than from a less popular period , even if the latter contains a higher proportion of items in need of repair .
28 In times gone by Dutch cattle were dual-purpose types , as meat was required from the dairy herd as well as milk , but since the early 1970s there has been an increasing use of American Holstein-Friesians in the Netherlands to increase the milk yields of the Dutch Friesian ( which has lower yields than the Holstein type but a higher proportion of solids in the milk ) .
29 That is a higher proportion of beds in relation to population than in England .
30 The specialised histological type is associated with a higher rate of cell turnover as shown by thymidine labelling and a higher proportion of cells in cycle ( by proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunolocalisation ) than junctional and fundic types .
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