Example sentences of "[adj] visit [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Foreign visits during the year included : ( i ) a state visit by the then United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Aug. 28-30 , 1990 ; ( ii ) a visit by Koivisto to the USA on May 6-7 , 1991 , and ( iii ) his visit to Moscow in June 1991 [ see p. 38307 ] .
2 Lithuania 's Prime Minister , Kazimiera Prunskiene , in late April and early May conducted an extensive but largely fruitless round of foreign visits in the hope of securing recognition by Western governments for Lithuania 's independence and material support to alleviate the effects of the blockade .
3 These were ( i ) the abolition of the draconian National Security Law relating to sedition and espionage ; ( ii ) admission of a North Korean " consolation " delegation to visit three South Korean dissidents imprisoned under the National Security Law for having made unauthorized visits to the North ; and ( iii ) the authorization of South Korean dissidents to attend a pro-unification rally due to be held in Panmunjom on Aug. 15 , the anniversary of Korean liberation from Japanese colonial rule .
4 These were ( i ) the release of South Korean dissidents imprisoned for making unauthorized visits to the North ; ( ii ) termination of the annual South Korean-US " Team Spirit " military exercises ; and ( iii ) an end to South Korea 's attempts to achieve unilateral entry to the United Nations .
5 Both sides reiterated their established positions ( within which there was little common ground ) , and the North also outlined three preconditions for further progress : ( i ) the scrapping of Team Spirit ; ( ii ) no separate UN membership for the Korea states [ but see pp. 38191 ; 38437 ] ; and ( iii ) the release of those imprisoned in the South for having made unauthorized visits to the North .
6 In a series of flashbacks , we follow the pair through their teenage years , their weekly visits to the dreamscape of the pictures , the real-life dramas of school , family , dances and boys , rehearsals with the Staneyburn Amateur Dramatic and Light Operatic Society ( another fantasy-world ) and the gradual intrusion of realities black-and-white in the technicolor of their aspirations .
7 There were only two significant differences between the vitamin A and placebo groups in the mean daily prevalence of the symptoms/conditions investigated at the weekly visits in the Health Study ( table 1 ) — prevalence of vomiting and refusal of food or breastmilk .
8 His daily visits to the flat in Victoria now seemed an essential part of his life .
9 Her work was extremely painful and very dangerous — the examination of corpses , daily visits to the body dumps around San Salvador , the taking of testimonies from relatives of the disappeared .
10 Data of male mortality ( n =138 ) came from a capture-recapture study with marked individuals ( daily visits to the site , after 10 days no more males were recaptured ) .
11 This meant first a period in hospital , then periodic visits to the clinic .
12 A few visits to the seashore will indicate that there is a considerable variation in the height of the tide from week to week .
13 Binder Hamlyn supported the implementation of an accounts-system authorisation process for all new firms setting up in practice , and agreed that twice-yearly visits by the reporting accountant to check balances and examines files would be productive .
14 The Bible is the same that Coleridge used on his many preaching visits to the chapel
15 Charles winced and foresaw a painful visit to the field cashier in Lille .
16 After this visit to the Geurrero Centre , I discussed the prison and its regime with people both inside and outside the criminal justice process .
17 She certainly did n't want to cut short this visit to the pet shop , where Mr Miller had promised to tell her more about his stock of animals .
18 This visit to the flat , the only one I paid , produced a letter which was , as I know , typed with his own hand .
19 Therefore it was natural that the ploughing should be done in one extended visit to the field : it was convenient that this should fall in the forepart of the day while the afternoon was spent , by the oxen in resting , and by their driver and ploughman in feeding them and seeing to their wants .
20 He himself made an extended visit to the West at the outset of his reign and on his return he created consternation — and a legend — by his impatience to change the face of Russia .
21 Foreign Minister Tuleutai Suleymenov flew to Beijing on Aug. 7 on a four-day visit at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Qian Qichen [ for Prime Minister 's March visit to China see p. 38814 ] .
22 On Sept. 9 Rafsanjani arrived in China on a four-day visit as the guest of President Yang Shangkun , accompanied by Defence and Logistics Minister Akbar Torkan .
23 If there was trouble and they became unhappy , a direct visit to the leader or the chief whip would usually suffice .
24 On his daily visit to the laboratory to look at quality control tests on raw and processed materials , Graham added : ‘ Mills and sliphouses have never been the favourite areas of pottery factories — you either love or hate them — but for the likes of me they are a way of life . ’
25 Its hue and texture made him wonder whether he could risk blowing his nose without making yet another visit to the bathroom .
26 Rock pixie Marc goofs around for Ringo before another visit to the 12-bar
27 This was confirmed only a few days ago when yet another visit to the garage became necessary , this time through no fault of the Metro 's .
28 When you have received an Offer of Mortgage , to enable a bid up to a maximum agreed limit , a further visit to the property should be made near to the date of Auction , to ensure that everything is in order .
29 Would members be interested in an organised visit to the Island 's railways in 1993 ?
30 Yours fearfully AN ANNOUNCEMENT You know , your weekly visit to the supermarket is a good start .
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