Example sentences of "[adj] remember [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , although it might be useful to remember a particular telephone number ( and so convert a short-term into a long-term memory ) , this is often not the case and we are unlikely to want to remember every hand of cards .
2 It is useful to remember the following formulas :
3 When considering the skewed draughtsmanship of a possible " Durnovarian " addition , at Withington ( Smith 1969 , 113 ) , it is as well to remember the poor drawing of the design at Newton St. " Loe .
4 On my shirt Harvey had arranged that I wore the word ‘ observer ’ , which meant I was able to remember a prior appointment when the going got rough .
5 But Mrs Tighe claimed that she was able to remember a previous incarnation when she was an Irishwoman by the name of Bridey Murphy .
6 If they are able to remember the unpleasant incidents of their youth , their logical mind tells them that it was wrong and that the abuser was at fault .
7 It is important to remember the political position of the monarchy in England at the time .
8 It is important to remember the liturgical context of these meditations for it supplies other expressed structures of meaning only latent within them but crucial to their full impact .
9 Finally , it is important to remember the geographical scope of any survey .
10 In these days when inter-faith dialogue can easily slip into syncretism , and when man 's search for God can easily supplant all idea of God 's self-disclosure to man , it is most important to remember the emphatic union which the New Testament asserts between the Holy Spirit and Jesus .
11 While the paths b 1 and b 2 are the focus of our attention , it is also important to remember the other causes which lead to people attending selective secondary schools : class membership is not a complete determinant of who goes to these schools , since some working class children do attend .
12 It is important to remember the cost-effectiveness factor when thinking about what type of insulation to install .
13 They returned to Tunbridge Wells via Cheltenham , where Lulu Harrington gave them tea and her fulsome apologies for being unable to remember the full name and address on Beatrix 's fourth letter .
14 Rather than trying to bluff your way through , it is better to say something like , ‘ Right at this moment it 's rather difficult to remember the exact details , could I possibly look over the advertisement again ? ’
15 We are now coming to the time of the year when paddlers start competing again in marathons and it would be nice to remember the ancient Greeks who started it all off .
16 It is not necessary to remember the specific events which occurred there — although there is no harm in doing so — but try to recreate that place in your imagination in the greatest detail possible .
17 She felt a coldness inside her and did her best to remember the happy times of her childhood .
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