Example sentences of "[adj] door [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Measuring 13′ × 11′ having feature fireplace with tiled background and hardwood surround , fitted ‘ Real Flame ’ gas fire , picture rail and french door leading to the garden .
2 How nice it was when we could leave the back door undone for the baker to put the bread on the table , the butcher to walk in and even put the meat in the pantry safe and the insurance man to pick up his money from the table .
3 The back door leading to the yard opened and Hari heard her mother 's voice , sounding strangely weary , calling to her .
4 She walked hastily from him and into the store-room , and he followed her , and they were just about to confront each other again when the back door leading into the yard opened and there , revealed in the gaslight , was Jessie .
5 There is a fine oak carved overmantel and an old door opens onto the curved stone stair to the first floor .
6 Quiss was led by the dwarfish scullions , through the banked ranges past gleaming tubs , boiling vats , open fires and grills past rows of massive , wing-nutted pressure cookers guarded by blast screens , under huge n-shaped pipes , bubbling and gurgling and leaking steam , and over the dainty , counter-sunk tracks of a narrow-gauge railway until eventually he saw a wall ahead , and was led up a rickety wooden staircase to a narrow gantry then stopped at a small wooden door set into the wall .
7 Another door lay on the other side of the room .
8 Another door led into the cellar from outside in the yard , and that too was kept locked .
9 On the timber side , an enormous selection of old doors ranging from the 17th century to Art Deco is available .
10 A door connected kitchen with bathroom , with the rear door leading from the kitchen to the carport .
11 Between the window and the panelled door leading to the back kitchen was a section of wall some eighteen inches wide holding a well-designed , ornate oval mirror .
12 A mean-looking door gave entry to the women 's cloakroom on the left , and , a few yards down , a similar door led to the men 's washroom on the right .
13 She read at night by torchlight , her own little door open onto the sandy hillside .
14 It assured him of his right to be here and he picked it up and put it in his jacket pocket before walking through into the hall with its white doors leading to the reception rooms .
15 There were three doors opening from the little hall .
16 A partition and hinged door closed off the head of the stairs at each end .
17 A stable-type door led to the rear garden .
18 Farrell grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him towards a closed door leading off the hallway .
19 She slammed a mental door shut on the harrowing thought .
20 Then he blundered into the turning he wanted , limped down it and came face to face with the blank grey door leading into the four Turkey Pens .
21 Big double doors led to the central bay of the barn , the middlestead , where the threshing was later carried on .
22 He followed her as they approached the green-and-gold-painted double doors leading to the ballroom .
23 Step through the double doors leading from the Hotel and you enter an exclusive world of leisure , set SPECTACULARLY around the warm waters of the 55 foot pool , complete with special rockpool and waterfall features .
24 Jotan was forcing the lock on a pair of massive double doors set in the gable end of the building which fronted the junction of the alleyways .
25 There were numerous doors leading from the hall , and the nun approached one , knocked , and when bidden to enter , she thrust open the door , stood aside and proclaimed in a low voice scarcely above a whisper , ‘ Mrs Winkowski , Reverend Mother . ’
26 Raynor came to a stop outside a thick , low door set into the wall , and stood for a moment looking at it , as if summoning up some inner resolve .
27 She opened the first door leading off the hall to find only a cloakroom .
28 ‘ By the way , why did n't you tell me that our mysterious door led to the laboratory at the back of Doctor Jekyll 's house ?
29 The only sounds were his footsteps on the stairs , the slamming of her front door followed by the noise of his car engine as it roared away from her flat .
30 He knew well that you opened the front door to walk into the kitchen .
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