Example sentences of "[adj] kind of [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Using the right kind of equipment and correct sounds does n't automatically qualify for a techno prefect 's badge , too many slip into the keep net just because of this , but The Black Dog always manage to create tracks with lasting presence .
2 Offering the right kind of help where it is needed requires a comprehensive assessment scheme .
3 If you lack confidence in your ability to give her the right kind of help and comfort , but really want to do so , you have nothing to fear , because this probably means that you are much better equipped for the task than you imagine .
4 A husband who tells his wife about his redundancy does not always meet with the right kind of sympathy or support .
5 However , given the right kind of motivation and with proper training we feel that anyone can become a fully qualified Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Researcher .
6 It 's also about choosing the right kind of lighting and furniture and , above all , how you put the whole lot together .
7 ‘ I mean , he 's from the right kind of background and he has more money that he knows what to do with .
8 Eating the right kind of food and having a balanced diet is important not only for weight control but for the well-being of skin , hair and every other part of us that we tend to treat in terms of beauty rather than health care .
9 High structural unemployment makes alternative thinking about labour intensivity , for example more acceptable ; with less money available , small scale and community based schemes , using local resources and motivated by indigenous imagination stand far more chance of getting off the ground , provided they can obtain the right kind of encouragement and support .
10 In the present situation , the ASEA could never be a remedy for the ‘ general wastefulness of industry ‘ ; instead , its proper role was in helping employers to get the right kind of boy , and boys to find the right kind of employer and to ensure that training was effective , both in terms of the workshop and of continued education .
11 But it 's a strange kind of thing that happened in this part of the country , the kind of story you get in Suffolk and Norfolk .
12 But it is an odd kind of belief that one accords to propositions one can not claim to know ; and Eliot 's talk of mental constructs , plainly an uncomfortable compromise in itself , sits oddly with his intense dogmatism about morality and public affairs .
13 And so in conclusion I looking at it and the exhibitions we 've made to you and to the county in the course of the consultation draft is that this county does not need this policy and that it is in fact an insidious and repressive kind of policy that it contrary to national planning guidance and should not be included in the alterations .
14 The best and easiest way to ensure that you get a large range of bricks and enough of each kind of brick that you need to build and repair your body cells , is to mix the protein foods you take in at each meal .
15 We were examining the homework , sorting through the usual kind of difficulty but there was nothing to amiss , until we came to a light green garment .
16 Er that kind of idea that er you know , whether any changes at all that you thought that you appreciated er in that made workers feel that they were in fact a more important a more important part of their industry ?
17 ‘ We do not need that kind of publicity and do not want to be involved in that sort of thing .
18 For example , and I 'm not saying this is , this is so , but it 's not unusual in that kind of dream if it 's recurring in the present , to find that really it 's about the present and not about the past .
19 My mind turned back to the man Mrs Bradshaw had accosted in the garden , but I knew of no one who bore me that kind of grudge or , if he did , would take it out on me in such a petty and spiteful way .
20 She had that kind of gloss that only studio make-up and the last touches by a hairdresser can add .
21 However , to get him to the point where he might be weaned from the ventilator , one must allow him to sleep and get stronger , so if it was that kind of day or that kind of period , he might have more sedation than other times .
22 Sold his body to that kind of man for lots of money ?
23 Yet it is precisely that kind of issue that the coalition would like addressed in a coherent and collaborative fashion .
24 And I said , well I know nothing about that kind of music but that 's the impression I got , I was just stood there at the bar thinking that last , last Friday it 's not the same one , thinking , you know , this is just this is just very samey it
25 In fact , if anything , we 're going to be doing less and less of that kind of music as we go along .
26 If you had that kind of function that you you know
27 Yeah , it 's exactly that kind of experience that I think has got me thinking about what I was saying before you came , well before we were just doing the coffee , about the idea of actually starting to draw , well I was calling contracts , but probably it 's more better called agreements , about you know , the theatre will do this , we will do that and
28 When my colleague had said that , with me sitting right beside him , I felt like punching him in the face ; it was that kind of attitude that any campaign would have to fight .
29 I know in advance that we 're not going to have that kind of luck but it 's worth a try .
30 Both Groby and Branshaw Teleragh , in the novels of Ford Madox Ford , are nostalgically conceived , for they express the passing of the possibility of that kind of order that Disraeli had hoped to see revived in them .
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