Example sentences of "[adj] he be admitted [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During 1521 he was admitted to membership of the Fraternity or Guild of St Nicholas , London — the guild of the parish clerks of the city 's parish churches , augmented by the professional musicians employed in the parish and other churches of London and its immediate neighbourhood .
2 In 1638 he was admitted to Lincoln 's Inn , a late admission suggesting a serious interest in the law .
3 In 1816 he was admitted to Lincoln 's Inn but there is no record of his ever being called to the bar .
4 On 30 December 1657 he was admitted by the commissioners for the approbation of public preachers to the rectory of Credenhill in Herefordshire , with supporting certificates from some of the leading Herefordshire Presbyterian clergy .
5 First he was admitted to a Part III residential home , and then she was admitted with him .
6 In November 1789 he was admitted as a student of the Inner Temple , and in 1791 transferred to Gray 's Inn .
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