Example sentences of "[adj] and [pers pn] be trying " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've been to the police about this and they are trying to take it further .
2 all bit and everything 's come out so of course the horse is running around free and he 's trying to catch it
3 ‘ He suspects me of killing Angy and he 's trying to protect you .
4 The British Goverenemnt wants all ferries to be updated by 1993 and it 's trying to persuade the rest of the world to agree , but the families say its taking too long .
5 Erm so on that one that 's , that 's you did n't use any slang , the belief in the way you asked I think that came out , I was trying to be a prospective client rather than be the trainer cos I could see that Mike was uncomfortable and I was trying to , well okay , how , how would I well I think yeah there was a belief that you had there , I think he was er reasonably attentive , Mike , to your response ?
6 If you 'd been working with this angle instead , we did n't know that and we 're trying to work with this one or we say we 're interested in this angle so that will be the opposite and this would be the adjacent .
7 Well we know the opposite and we 're trying to find the adjacent .
8 She rubs the tops of my legs like I 'm cold and she 's trying to warm me up .
9 Marie looks calm now , but she 's all tight in her body , like she 's real angry and she 's trying not to show it .
10 But any woman would have reacted with anger to his insults , he reminded himself , especially if the barbs he 'd slung at her were accurate and she was trying to convince him otherwise .
11 I I 's thinking well this long would make the blinking situation worse and we 're trying to resolve it .
12 I get the sense that it is a band 's first single and they are trying to prove something .
13 Then they got really crazy and they were trying to get David 's movie camera and to arrest us all .
14 One social services source told Sunday Life : ‘ The RUC was given all the names of boys who were placed in the home between 1981 and 1983 and they are trying to track them all down .
15 he went mad and he was trying to cover it up and that cos I mean over the club , and he goes there on a Saturday afternoon , he gets some stick over there .
16 And the aim is that the conversations are going to be anonymous and they are trying to compile a dictionary of words that people actually use , rather than a dictionary for people who do crosswords .
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