Example sentences of "[adj] and [prep] [adj] days " in BNC.

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1 As the days passed , hope faded of finding John Brown alive and after 14 days it was agreed that there was no urgency as the search was only to find his body for Christian burial .
2 So it was when the Germans over-ran Holland in 1940 and within three days had rounded up large numbers of Jews — the Dutch population records which included religious affiliation were put to sinister use , promptly and efficiently even without the aid of modern technology .
3 Development is very rapid and within twenty days each egg contains a tiny froglet which pierces the egg membrane with a minute spike on the tip of its snout and so emerges having dispensed with external water altogether .
4 It , we never sort of slackened off at all and in those days there was so much brass to be cleaned and scrubbing to be done and cleaning .
5 Its rationale shifted but its purpose in one respect at least remained , and orthodox women to this day follow through the ritual of purification at the mikva every month and abstain from physical contact with their husbands during their times of bleeding and for seven days thereafter ( = two weeks every month ) .
6 Food was short and for two days I was kept running round trying to buy up supplies , with the result that I had to retire to bed with blistered feet .
7 Yeah , when I started in nineteen thirty one and in those days you got a rise every six months and I got a one and three rise after they 'd been there six months and at the year I was earning seventeen and six .
8 It stands six miles outside Oxford , in lovely and in those days remote country , with one bus a day .
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