Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] [verb] a bit " in BNC.

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1 We 've still got the Children Act coming through , I know that may appear a bit odd , but that Act was in fact in nineteen eighty nine , but it 's come through in a sense on an incremental basis , and it 's accepted by the Department of Health and er , the S S I , that indeed , and the Audit Commission , that there are elements in the present settlement for the Children Act .
2 That may sound a bit over the top , but do not tune out yet .
3 Well , that must heat a bit , and it must smell a bit .
4 That must take a bit of the burden off you , ’ said Mrs Harper , lining up a peppercorn by the clove .
5 I 've given you something to try and take the swelling off your chest , and that should ease a bit of the pain but I 've also given you er stuff to stop all this bursting
6 This may sound a bit obvious , but some machines come with a turbo button which can slow the PC right down .
7 In a business where fees are usually paid on a success only , rather than an hourly , basis , this may come a bit hard to people who have worked hard for two or three months on a deal only to see it fall at the last hurdle .
8 This may sting a bit , but it 's good stuff , ’ said a new young private reassuringly , as he aimed a can of tinc benz spray at the foot of a young blonde WRAC girl .
9 This may seem a bit excessive , but I 've always believed it as easy , if not easier , to work accurately .
10 This should give a bit more grip on the bolt . ’
11 This might seem a bit rich coming from a man who has spent most of his career luxuriating in material wealth as one of the US 's most enduring entertainers .
12 You can work on those and you can build them up in two or three or four year 's time job changes this might take a bit more of a a higher priority .
13 Now obviously this can happen a bit , but I do n't think , on the whole it happens very much , at least certainly not in a way that matters erm I do n't think it does matter if people change things a little bit , because erm but on the whole people are doing things in the way that they 're doing them erm because they 've got accustomed to doing them that way and that 's the way that they 've planned it , and that 's the way that it comes out as a result of all of those pressures that there are on them .
14 You , you know , I got some coleslaw , so , that 'll make a bit more of that wo n't it ?
15 That 'll take a bit of getting used to that ! .
16 But then you come to the problem , erm , because for ninety four five , erm , the formula suggests that we would need less staff , that might seem a bit odd but the , the reason is that if you do indeed bring your target times down , then the amount of work which your passing over into the next year is er considerably less , erm than the amount of work which you passed over into this year ,
17 Perhaps by er the blinds as well , that might help a bit .
18 and we did n't think , and sort of , then we realized that had to sort of like turn it off and that might help a bit , but boiling water , we 're trying to stop it with our finger .
19 These may take a bit of finding — although an electronic stud detector will help — but once the batten has been secured , the kitchen cupboard ( or whatever ) can be secured to it with normal woodscrews .
20 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
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