Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] give rise to " in BNC.

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1 The pitch patterns of a foreign language applied to English sound wrong and give rise to difficulties of communication .
2 Seen to be an ‘ effect ’ of the Universal or Unified Field , it is able to transmit energy patterns from one natural source to another and give rise to a physical formation of those patterns — in other words , the field is believed to be the agent for creation , growth and development throughout nature .
3 Eggs are spherical but give rise to animals with well-defined axes with heads at one end and ‘ tails ’ at the other .
4 There are good grounds for thinking that to a significant degree home and foreign capital markets were separate and gave rise to quite different levels of investment expectations .
5 About wet conditions that may be dangerous but give rise to regeneration , and scorched ones that appear daunting but may lead to growth . ’
6 Scientific breakthroughs made this seem possible and gave rise to the Green Revolution .
7 The Thom case was exceptional and gave rise to something of a public outcry .
8 The first two of these are generally the most important and give rise to rates and methods for temporal and international comparison .
9 On the one hand , the commitment of the Soviet leadership to scientific and technical progress , as reflected in the comparative size of the R and D effort , was confirmed in the new larger study ; on the other hand , it was clear that the institutional framework was excessively bureaucratic and give rise to economic behaviour which actively discouraged innovation .
10 The stillness , the cool , the quiet of the building all combined to produce an effect that was overwhelming and gave rise to a feeling of expectation .
11 Where any disposal of any interest in land takes place after 17th December 1973 and gives rise to a chargeable ( ie , capital ) gain it is necessary to consider what part , if any , of that gain constitutes a development gain .
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