Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] he began [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Within a few weeks he began to feel better , and his depression , anxiety , tiredness , panic attacks , fainting and sweating are now a thing of the past Problems , due to too much caffeine are fairly common , but not everyone has the sort of symptoms that Ken experienced .
2 Grabbing a handful of fresh cartridges he began to reload the shotgun , fumbling a couple of times in his new-found haste .
3 In the following years he began to propound diffusionism , the doctrine that cultural traits were not independently invented but carried from one area to another .
4 Additionally , Blake was involved in checking Communist infiltration into the British sector and as part of these duties he began to learn Russian and had some officially approved contact with the Russians as part of a plan to see whether any of them could be persuaded to become British agents .
5 In any case , although some of the speeches became tougher ( in tabloid terms he began to slam and lash Labour ) , his delivery has never matched the words .
6 He moved fast and confidently , but when he had gone only three hundred yards he began to feel breathless , long before he should have done , and realised what that one shot might have done .
7 But after only four miles he began to realize just how far he would have to walk .
8 Ken Pitt : ‘ I think the great problem was David was always very insecure and because he was n't achieving the renown he wanted , like most artists he began to worry , bearing in mind that David was now living at Haddon Hall with a few of his friends , all of whom were unaware of what was going on in the office and how we were planning David 's career , what progress we were really making .
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